Changes in school leadership practices under an accountability system: The case of Chile




policy analysis, teacher support, academic monitoring, leadership, accountability


Accountability systems have been educational policies oriented towards school improvement. In this context, the present study examines the changes in two school leadership practices with the introduction of the accountability policy in Chile.  Taking into account the responses of the fourth-grade math teachers, two scales were divised to evaluate the academic monitoring and teacher support practices implemented by school leaders between 2009 and 2012. From a multilevel analysis, changes in leadership practices were evaluated considering the context of academic performance and social vulnerability of the schools.  The results show a significant change in academic monitoring under the accountability policy, but not the teaching support provided by the administrators. The implications of these results indicate that academic monitoring is normalized in schools, especially in those that were not conducting monitoring, although without affecting professional teacher support, leaving doubts about the pedagogical support and the sustainability of the accountability policy.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Rojas , Universidad de Concepción

Jorge Rojas Bravo es Profesor asistente de la Universidad de Concepción, Escuela de Educación, departamento de Teoría, política y fundamentos de la educación, Campus Los Ángeles. Posee un grado de PhD en Educación, conferido por la University of Sydney, Australia. Actualmente, pertenece al grupo de investigación interdisciplinaria en educación (GIIE), y Director de la Línea de investigación del Centro +Comunidad, centro de liderazgo educativo para la mejora en red.

Diego Carrasco, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Diego Carrasco es Investigador para el Centro de Medición MIDE UC de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Posee un grado de MRes en Psychological Methods y un PhD en Psychology, conferidos por la University of Sussex, UK. Su especialidad se concentra en la especificación de modelos de inferencia y medición para el estudio de observaciones anidadas. Esto incluye desafíos metodológicos para evaluaciones nacionales, y estudios de gran escala, especialmente para la comparación de ambientes escolares.



How to Cite

Rojas , J., & Carrasco, D. (2021). Changes in school leadership practices under an accountability system: The case of Chile. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(August - December), 153.