Special Education in Perspective: Implications for Articulated Teaching in High School and Technological


  • Fabiane Adela Tonetto Costas Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Claucia Honnef Universidade Federal de Santa Maria




special education, inclusive education, articulated teaching


Articulated teaching is proposed as an adaptation to collaborative teaching and aims the joint work between the regular class teacher and the special education teacher in planning, developing and evaluating a class. The aim of this study was to analyze how high school teachers and technology education teachers of a Federal Education Institute in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, realize articulated teaching, what their limitations and possibilities are before the inclusion of students with disabilities and/or special educational needs, intensified after the National Policy of Special Education (2008). The research was qualitative, using a field diary and a questionnaire answered by seven professors from a student with intellectual disabilities included in the medium and technology education. To interpret the data we used in Content Analysis. The results showed that articulated teaching is important, however, few teachers have cited difficulties in performing it, for example, the low number of special education teachers and regular class teachers, and little time to this work. We conclude that the articulated teaching has obstacles to overcome, but we believe in its potential to mobilize learning, particularly for pupils with special educational needs, through special education in the perspective of inclusive education, which in the current educational context massified the idea of inclusive school education, with no sufficient investment to ensure conditions for it to be extended to all subjects.


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Author Biographies

Fabiane Adela Tonetto Costas, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Pesquisadora na área de Educação Especial, líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia da Educação e Educação Inclusiva – GEPEIN, o qual desenvolve pesquisas fundamentadas principalmente pela Psicologia Histórico-Cultural e que abrangem a Educação Especial e a Educação Inclusiva tanto na educação básica como na educação superior. É autora e co-autora organizadora das seguintes obras Formação de conceitos em crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais:contribuições da Teoria Histórico-Cultural  e Educação, educação especial e inclusão: fundamentos, contexto e práticas. 

Claucia Honnef, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Professora de Educação Especial da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Agudo/RS e Professora Externa do Curso de Educação Especial- EAD da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Foi Professora Temporária do Instituto Federal Farroupilha- Campus São Borja/RS (2012-2013). Especialista em Gestão Educacional (2011); Mestre em Extensão Rural (2012); Mestre em Educação (2013), pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Seus principais temas de pesquisa tratam do trabalho docente articulado, ensino colaborativo, Educação Especial e inclusão educacional escolar e educação inclusiva e formação de professores. 



How to Cite

Costas, F. A. T., & Honnef, C. (2015). Special Education in Perspective: Implications for Articulated Teaching in High School and Technological. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23, 35. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v23.1632



Educação especial: diferenças, currículo e processos de ensino e aprendizagem