
  • CFP: Science of Reading Policies: International Impacts and Impressions


    Call for special issue submissions  on Science of Reading movement across English-speaking countries, and to consider the accumulation of early and interim outcomes across contexts to develop implications for implementation guidance and policymaking.

    Note: Editors will consider additional submissions to accommodate those researching emerging policies until May 1.

    Read more about CFP: Science of Reading Policies: International Impacts and Impressions
  • PRORROGAÇÃO: CFP/Chamada Dossiê: Educação e suas Interfaces com Administração, Contabilidade e Economia


    Tema especial: Educação e suas Interfaces com Administração, Contabilidade e Economia: Políticas e Saberes

    Editores Convidados: Zara Figueiredo Tripodi (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto), Ursula Dias Peres (Universidade de São Paulo) e Thiago Alves (Universidade Federal de Goiás)

    Idioma para envio de artigos: Português

    Submissão de resumo ampliado: 24/01/2021 (PRORROGAÇÃO)

    Read more about PRORROGAÇÃO: CFP/Chamada Dossiê: Educação e suas Interfaces com Administração, Contabilidade e Economia
  • CFP/Chamada Dossiê: Educação Superior na América Latina em Tempos de Crise


    Tópico especial: Educação Superior na América Latina em Tempos de Crise


    Editores Convidados: Suzana dos Santos Gomes,, Savana Gomes Diniz Melo, e Felipe Andres Zurita Garrido,


    Envio de resumos (1.000 palavras, português ou espanhol): 09 de fevereiro de 2021

    Read more about CFP/Chamada Dossiê: Educação Superior na América Latina em Tempos de Crise
  • CFP EXTENDED 1/15/2021: Testing Opt-out Movements: Resistance, Disputes and Transformation


    Special Topic: Testing Opt-out Movements: Resistance, Disputes and Transformation 

    Guest Editors: Javier Campos-Martínez (Universidad de O’Higgins), Alejandra Falabella (Universidad Alberto Hurtado), Jessica Holloway (Deakin University), Diego Santori (King’s College London)

    Languages: English, Spanish

    Submission (800-word outline) Deadline: Extended to January 15, 2021

    Read more about CFP EXTENDED 1/15/2021: Testing Opt-out Movements: Resistance, Disputes and Transformation
  • Chamada para Editores/as Convidados/as para Coordenar o Dossiê: Educação e suas Interfaces com Administração, Contabilidade e Economia: Políticas e Saberes


    Chamada para editores/as convidados/as para coordenar o dossiê: Educação e suas interfaces com Administração, Contabilidade e Economia: Políticas e Saberes


    Submissão de propostas de dossiês: 23-Out-20

    Favor enviar o formulário preenchido para Gilberto Miranda (, Sheizi Freitas ( e Sandra Sales ( Read more about Chamada para Editores/as Convidados/as para Coordenar o Dossiê: Educação e suas Interfaces com Administração, Contabilidade e Economia: Políticas e Saberes
  • CFP EXTENDED 10/31/2020: Right to Education and Educational Inclusion of LGBT+ Youth in Latin America and the Caribbean


    Special Topic: Right to Education and Educational Inclusion of LGBT+ Youth in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Guest Editors: Jaime Barrientos (Universidad Alberto Hurtado), María Teresa Rojas (Universidad Alberto Hurtado), Ismael Tabilo (SUMMA, Laboratorio de Investigación e Innovación en educación para América Latina y el Caribe) y Canela Bodenhofer (SUMMA, Laboratorio de Investigación e Innovación en educación para América Latina y el Caribe).  

    Submission of outlines/proposals (1,000 words): 31 October 2020

    Abstracts accepted in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

    Read more about CFP EXTENDED 10/31/2020: Right to Education and Educational Inclusion of LGBT+ Youth in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • CFP: Teachers and Educational Policy


    Topic: Teachers and Educational Policy: Professionalism, Expertise. and Choice in an Age of Populist Politics

    Guest editors: Meghan Stacey (University of New South Wales), Jessica Holloway (Deakin University), Jessica Gerrard (University of Melbourne), Anna Hogan (University of Queensland) and Mihajla Gavin (University of Technology Sydney)


    Submission of outlines/proposals (1,000 words): 2 October 2020

    Submissions accepted in English.


    Read more about CFP: Teachers and Educational Policy
  • CFP: International Migration and the Right to Education: Challenges for Facing Inequalities in Education Systems Policies


    Topic: International Migration and the Right to Education: Challenges for Facing Inequalities in Education Systems Policies

    Guest editors: Ana Lorena de Oliveira Bruel (UFPR / Brazil), Isabelle Rigoni (INSHEA / France) e Maïtena Armagnague (INSHEA / France)

    Extended abstracts in English, Portuguese, and Spanish due July 17, 2020

    Read more about CFP: International Migration and the Right to Education: Challenges for Facing Inequalities in Education Systems Policies
  • Chamada para Editores/as Convidados/as para Coordenar o Dossiê


    Chamada para Editores/as Convidados/as para Coordenar o Dossiê (edição especial) com EPAA / AAPE:

    Migrantes, Diáspora e Refúgios: Responsabilidades dos Sistemas Educativos


    Favor enviar o formulário preenchido para Andréa Barbosa Gouveia (, Maria Margarida Machado ( e Márcia Pletsch (

    Read more about Chamada para Editores/as Convidados/as para Coordenar o Dossiê
  • CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED July 15: Digital Society and Higher Education: Impact and Consequences for Policy


    Topic: Digital Society and Higher Education: Impact and Consequences for Policy

    Guest Editors: Germán Álvarez-Mendiola, Wietse de Vries, and Hans G. Schuetze

    Revised submission deadline: July 15, 2020

    English preferred; Spanish and Portuguese also accepted.

    Read more about CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED July 15: Digital Society and Higher Education: Impact and Consequences for Policy
  • CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED APRIL 3: Policy Implementation as an Instrument to Achieve Educational Equity in the Community College Context


    Topics: Education Policy Implementation; Educational Equity; Community College

    Guest Editors: Eric R. Felix ( and H. Kenny Nienhusser (

    300-500-word abstracts deadline extended: April 3, 2020

    Read more about CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED APRIL 3: Policy Implementation as an Instrument to Achieve Educational Equity in the Community College Context
  • CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 15: Learning Assessments for Sustainability? Exploring the Interaction between Two Global Movements


    Topic: Learning Assessments for Sustainability? Exploring the Interaction between Two Global Movements

    Guest Editors: Oren Pizmony-Levy (Teachers College, Columbia University) and Dafna Gan (Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts)

    Deadline Extended: 400-word abstract submissions due: June 15, 2019

    Read more about CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 15: Learning Assessments for Sustainability? Exploring the Interaction between Two Global Movements
  • Call for Papers: Standards and Competency Frameworks for School Administrators: Global, Comparative and Critical Perspectives


    Special Topic: Standards and Competency Frameworks for School Administrators: Global, Comparative and Critical Perspectives / Estándares y Competencias en Gestión Educativa: Perspectivas Globales, Comparativas y Críticas

    Guest Editors: Augusto Riveros (Western University) and Wei Wei (Western University)

    Submission of abstracts: September 15, 2018


    Read more about Call for Papers: Standards and Competency Frameworks for School Administrators: Global, Comparative and Critical Perspectives
  • Call for Papers: Globalization, Privatization, Marginalization: Assessing Connections and Consequences in/through Education


    Special Topic: Globalization, Privatization, Marginalization: Assessing Connections and Consequences in/through Education

    Guest-editors: D. Brent Edwards Jr. & Alexander Means (University of Hawaii)

    English submissions only.

    Abstracts due by July 15, 2018

    Read more about Call for Papers: Globalization, Privatization, Marginalization: Assessing Connections and Consequences in/through Education
  • 2017 Annual Report


    The year 2017 has been a productive one for EPAA/AAPE, as this year's annual report details below. 

    Happy holidays, and a special thank you to our Volume 25 (2017) authors, reviewers, guest editors, and volunteers.


    Audrey Amrein-Beardsley

    EPAA/AAPE Lead Editor

    Read more about 2017 Annual Report
  • Call for Papers: Management and Management Policies in Lusophone Countries


    Special issue proposal: Management and Management Policies in Lusophone Countries. Critical perspectives on the new public management and the post-bureaucracy in education


    Guest Editors: Almerindo Janela Afonso - Professor Associado do Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Educação da Universidade do Minho, Portugal; Geovana Mendonça Lunardi Mendes - Professora Associada do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina 

    Submissions accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

    Read more about Call for Papers: Management and Management Policies in Lusophone Countries
  • Chamada Dossiê (CFP) Colonialidade e Pedagogia Decolonial

    Proposta de dossiê: Colonialidade e Pedagogia Decolonial, editores convidados: Catherine Walsh – Diretora (fundadora) do doutorado em Estudos Culturais Latinoamericanos, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-UASB, Sede Ecuador. Luiz Fernandes de Oliveira – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Contextos Contemporâneos e demandas Populares da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (PPGEduc-UFRRJ). Vera Maria Candau – Professora Emérita da PUC – Rio. Read more about Chamada Dossiê (CFP) Colonialidade e Pedagogia Decolonial
  • Call for Commentaries: Redesigning Assessment and Accountability


    EPAA/AAPE announces a call for written and video commentaries from educators, policymakers, and community members for a special issue about redesigning systems of assessment and accountability for meaningful student learning. 

    Guest Editors: Soung Bae, Jon Snyder, and Elizabeth Leisy Stosich (Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education)

    Read more about Call for Commentaries: Redesigning Assessment and Accountability
  • 2016 Annual Report


    The year 2016 has been a productive one for EPAA/AAPE, as this year's annual report details below. 

    Happy holidays, and a special thank you to our Volume 24 (2016) authors, reviewers, guest editors, and volunteers.


    Audrey Amrein-Beardsley

    EPAA/AAPE Lead Editor

    Read more about 2016 Annual Report
  • Convocatoria número especial: Reformas a la educación superior: América Latina en contexto internacional comparado/Special Issue on Higher Education in Latin America


    EPAA/AAPE convoca a un número especial dirigido a analizar los procesos de reformas a la educación superior iniciados o impulsados por gobiernos en países de América Latina desde la década de 1990, en perspectiva comparada, y en diálogo con la literatura internacional relevante para las preguntas de investigación abordadas en cada artículo.

    EPAA/AAPE invites papers that analyze higher education reforms initiated or promoted by governments in Latin America since the 1990s from a comparative perspective and in dialogue with the relevant international literature. Guest editors for this special issue are Andrés Bernasconi Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Sergio Celis, Universidad de Chile. 

    Read more about Convocatoria número especial: Reformas a la educación superior: América Latina en contexto internacional comparado/Special Issue on Higher Education in Latin America
  • Call for Papers: School Diversification and Dilemmas across Canada in an Era of Education Marketization and Neoliberalization

    EPAA/AAPE announces a call for papers for a special issue guested edited by Ee-Seul Yoon & Christopher Lubienski  examining the ways in which the global wave of educational policy reforms of marketization, privatization, neoliberalization, and school choice are changing how Canadian primary and secondary schools are organized, accessed, experienced and funded. Read more about Call for Papers: School Diversification and Dilemmas across Canada in an Era of Education Marketization and Neoliberalization
  • Call for Papers: Special Issue on English Language Teaching in Public Primary Schools in Latin America

    The journal Education Policy Analysis Archives/Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas (EPAA/AAPE) invites researchers doing work on the topic of English Language Teaching (ELT) in primary schools in Latin America to collaborate on a special issue of the journal Read more about Call for Papers: Special Issue on English Language Teaching in Public Primary Schools in Latin America
  • EPAA Farewell and Welcome

    Dear Readers,

    As we begin a new academic year, EPAA/AAPE would like to say farewell to Amy Marcetti Topper for her service to the journal and welcome Dr. Stephanie McBride-Schreiner.

    Amy is ABD in ASU’s Education Policy and Evaluation program and has served as a Managing Editor of the journal for the past three years. In addition to reviewing submissions and helping the editors, authors and special guest editors through the editorial process, she assisted with the social media and video commentary production, shared information about the journal at conferences, and contributed to the production of our annual report. She may not miss formatting articles and tables, but we will miss her as a talented manager, a superb scholar, and a great colleague.

    Stephanie has joined EPAA’s editorial staff as the new Managing Editor. She has a background in scholarly publishing and we are excited to draw on her expertise as EPAA continues to explore innovative ways to connect the work of our authors with the wider world.

    The EPAA/AAPE Editorial Team
    Education Policy Analysis Archives
    Twitter: @epaa_aape Read more about EPAA Farewell and Welcome
  • Call for Papers: Discursive Perspectives on Education Policy Implementation, Adaptation, and Learning


    Call for Papers: Discursive Perspectives on Education Policy Implementation, Adaptation, and Learning,

    A particular aim of this special issue is to demonstrate the potential that discourse analytic approaches have for the study of education policy. We invite authors to submit manuscripts examining education policy using both micro-analytic traditions (e.g., conversation analysis, discursive psychology, etc.) and macro-analytic traditions (e.g., poststructural discourse analysis; critical discourse analysis) to discourse analysis. We are particularly interested in analyses that focus on the ways in which policy comes to be known, understood, or interpreted through formal and informal interactions, including: classroom talk, professional conversations, and public conversations among and between policymakers and the media. We welcome submissions that are empirical, theoretical, and methodological in scope, as well as submissions connected to education and/or education-related settings. Further, we encourage scholars from both the United States and international contexts to contribute. 

    Read more about Call for Papers: Discursive Perspectives on Education Policy Implementation, Adaptation, and Learning
  • A Special Thanks to our 260 V22-2014 Reviewers


    Dear readers

    We want to wish you very happy holidays and send our Special Thanks to our Volume 22 (2o14) Reviewers. Authors and Reviewers


    Estimad@s lector@s

    Les deseamos muy felices fiestas y aprovechamos para agradecer especialmente a nuestr@s autor@s y revisor@s!


    Prezad@s leitor@s

    Gostaríamos de desejar boas festas a todos. Aproveitamos para e enviar um especial agradecimento  aos noss@s pareceristas

    Gustavo E. Fischman


    Read more about A Special Thanks to our 260 V22-2014 Reviewers
  • Número especial: Stephen J. Ball y la investigación sobre políticas educativas en América Latina


    Las contribuciones más significativas de Stephen J. Ball y sus colaboradores pueden agruparse en tres grandes ejes temáticos. En primer lugar, el análisis de la participación de nuevos actores en la política educativa, tales como las empresas y las organizaciones filantrópicas; lo que implica una redefinición del estado y de la forma en que se gobierna a la educación. Ball nos advierte acerca de la necesidad de repensar categorías binarias tales como público-privado, estatal – no estatal, actividades con y sin fines de lucro, entre otras, al notar que las fronteras entre estos polos están siendo redefinidas permanentemente. El segundo eje que destacamos del trabajo de Ball es el que analiza los ciclos de la política y la “puesta en acto” de las políticas en el nivel micro-institucional. Ball cuestiona el concepto de “implementación” y las visiones lineales acerca de las relaciones entre la “política” y la “práctica”. Por el contrario, propone enfoques conceptuales que contribuyen a abrir la caja negra de las políticas educativas, explorando cómo éstas definen marcos posibles para la acción, pero, al mismo tiempo, dejan márgenes para las interpretaciones y acciones de los individuos que actúan en diferentes contextos. El tercer eje temático que identificamos es el que examina las relaciones entre la clase social  y las políticas educativas, prestando especial atención a cómo ciertas políticas – en particular las vinculadas a lógicas de mercado -  han contribuido a la consolidación de circuitos educativos desiguales y, de esta manera, han beneficiado a las familias de clase media y perjudicado a las de clase trabajadora.

    Consideramos que las preocupaciones teóricas y las preguntas de investigación empírica de Stephen J. Ball contribuyen a visibilizar, mapear e interrogar algunos aspectos que han sido marginalizados en la mayoría de las investigaciones sobre las políticas educativas en América Latina. Las indagaciones de Ball sobre la producción de las políticas educativas y sus efectos en las desigualdades educativas y sociales invitan a caracterizar y problematizar el rol que diversos actores estatales y no estatales tienen en la definición y re-definición de aspectos centrales de los sistemas educativos en América Latina (tales como los contenidos curriculares, los modos legítimos de su transmisión, y la distribución de recursos materiales y humanos, entre otros). Las herramientas teóricas forjadas por Ball contribuyen a examinar estos nuevos fenómenos como expresiones de un proceso más amplio de re-configuración del estado y de sus relaciones con la sociedad civil, el cual se inscribe en un escenario caracterizado por desplazamientos de las relaciones de poder a nivel global y al interior de los sistemas educativos.

    Este número especial de AAPE/EPAA se propone publicar trabajos de investigación que se apropien y dialoguen críticamente con el enfoque teórico que Stephen J. Ball ha desarrollado durante las últimas tres décadas, con el objetivo de profundizar nuestra comprensión de las políticas educativas en América Latina.

    Aquí, antes que traducciones lineales de una perspectiva elaborada para analizar otros contextos, nos interesa  mapear la fertilidad de las preguntas y del marco interpretativo de Ball para comprender el carácter conflictivo, dinámico y multi-situado de las políticas educativas en América Latina.


    Acerca de la revista: con más de 20 años de historia, EPAA/AAPE es una revista evaluada por pares, independiente, de acceso abierto y de ámbito internacional, multilingüe e interdisciplinar. Los artículos que publica son indexados en SCImago Journal Rank, SCOPUS, EBSCO Education Research Complete, ERIC, H.W. WILSON & Co, Directory of Open Access Journals, CIRC (Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas, España), DIALNET (España), QUALIS A2 (Brasil) y SOCOLAR (China). Está pensada para investigadores, docentes, profesionales, responsables políticos y analistas preocupados por las políticas educativas. EPAA/AAPE es editada por la Arizona State University y cuenta con la colaboración de la Universidad de San Andrés para su sección sobre Sudamérica en castellano.


    Envío de los trabajos: Todos los manuscritos deben ser enviados electrónicamente a través del sitio web de EPAA/AAPE ( y seguir las pautas de presentación de la revista.

    Pueden ser trabajos escritos en castellano, portugués o inglés. 

    No evaluaremos manuscritos remitidos para su publicación en otra revista o ya publicados.


    Fecha límite de recepción de los trabajos:  Fecha límite de recepción de los trabajos: 25 de marzo (los
    envíos anteriores a este plazo serán bienvenidos)

    Fecha de publicación: A partir de julio de 2015


    Editores del monográfico: Jason Beech, Universidad de San Andrés – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) ( y Analía Inés Meo, CONICET e Instituto de Investigaciones “Gino Germani” (Universidad de Buenos Aires) (

    Read more about Número especial: Stephen J. Ball y la investigación sobre políticas educativas en América Latina
  • Call for Papers: Examining Teach For America


    Special Topic: Examining Teach For America: Politics, Leadership, Student Achievement, and Race

    In 1989, Princeton undergraduate Wendy Kopp established Teach For America. She envisioned a national teacher corps patterned after the Peace Corps that would be comprised of graduates of elite universities. When corps members left the classroom after a two-year commitment, they were expected to become lifelong advocates for public education in whatever profession they chose. More than twenty years later, TFA has placed over 25,000 teachers in more than 35 school districts, and enjoys significant federal, foundation, and corporate funding. Its leaders regard the organization as a critical agent in ameliorating educational inequality, and they imagine that TFA develops leaders who work across multiple professional, political, and educational terrains to reshape schooling for poor children and children of color. It has built an active alumni network, has developed programs to encourage alumni to run for public office, and has established relationships with many graduate programs and professional schools to create pipelines for civic leadership. Thus, although TFA began as an alternative teacher preparation and placement organization, its mission has shifted over the last two decades. Today, TFA maintains that it selects and prepares educational and social policy leaders.


    To date, however, the research on TFA has tended to fall into four categories: (1) conceptual debates about the organization’s potential advantages and disadvantages; (2) empirical studies of TFA’s effects on student test-based outcomes; (3) TFA memoirs and journalistic accounts of corps’ members experiences; and (4) a small, but growing set of empirical studies that conceive of corps members as social and political actors. This special issue joins this last body of scholarship, which is attempting to reframeTeach For America as an organization that is situated within a larger political and ideological movement.  It will also complement EPAA’s forthcoming special issue on TFA’s international spin-off, Teach For All.

    Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA) announces a call for papers for a special issue exploring the multiple effects of TFA on educational leadership, policy, racial representation, and student achievement. It seeks to answer:  What are the political and ideological roots of TFA’s relationship with schools, communities, and the system of public education? What do we know about TFA’s impacts on the quality of education for marginalized students, such as English Learners and children of color? How does TFA shape its corps members’ understandings about the roots of educational inequality, as well as the subsequent policies or reforms for addressing them?


    By answering these questions, this issue contributes to the theory, policy, and practice related to Teach For America. It also expands the discourse on TFA by offering multiple, varied conceptualizations of the organizations “effects” and their long-term implications for educational equity in our nation’s public schools.

    About the Journal: Celebrating its 22th year, EPAA is a peer-reviewed, open-access, international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary journal designed for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and development analysts concerned with education policies. EPAA/AAPE accepts unpublished original manuscripts in English, Spanish and Portuguese without restriction as to conceptual and methodological perspectives, time or place.

    Submission Information: All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the EPAA website and follow the Journal’s submission guidelines:  We will not consider manuscripts submitted for publication or published elsewhere.

    Initial 500-word Abstract Deadline: September 30, 2014

    (potential contributors submit abstracts for reactions and feedback)

    Submission Deadline: January 15, 2015

    Publication date: July 2015

    Early submissions are encouraged.


    Guest Co-Editors: Tina Trujillo, University of California Berkeley ( and Janelle Scott, University of California Berkeley (

    Read more about Call for Papers: Examining Teach For America
  • Call for Papers: Teach For All and Global Teacher Education Reform


    Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA) announces a call for papers for a special issue exploring Teach for All and Global Teacher Education Reform. The teacher education landscape is changing around the world, as global actors and discourses emerge in ways that are both novel and historically grounded. One such actor is Teach For All, the global organization that aims at redefining what it means to teach and to participate in the educational arena. Teach For All pursues this goal by serving as an umbrella network that provides strategic support to social entrepreneurs throughout the world that seek to adapt and implement the education reform ideals and organizational model of Teach For America. Since Teach For All was founded at the 2007 Clinton Global Initiative, 33 programs have appeared in countries as different as Argentina, Estonia, Germany, Pakistan and China, with varying levels of reach, impact, and integration/conflict with the established stakeholders. The degree of adaptation of the model has also varied extensively in response to differing local needs and policy contexts. This proposed Special Issue of EPAA/AAPE seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the workings of this specific type of teacher education reform by combining multiple theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches, and bringing together analyses of the global network as a whole alongside case studies of a few local programs.


    Research on Teach For All and the programs residing under its umbrella is currently extremely scarce, with the exception of analyses of Teach For America, and to a lesser extent, Teach First (UK). However, the rapid expansion of the network, the considerable funding and support it is gathering both from public and private partners, and most importantly, the ways in which it is influencing public debate and policy around issues of teacher recruitment, retention and certification, the role of unions, learning assessment, and school policy demands a concerted effort at producing a critical mass of scholarship that will provide perspective, evidence and conceptual contributions to avoid a narrowing of the conversation. This special issue will be a central contribution towards these efforts, and will hopefully serve as a hub for scholars, policymakers, teachers and other stakeholders seeking to actively participate in the debate from an informed, thoughtful standpoint. Editors will consider both empirical and theoretical pieces, as well as a wide range of methodological approaches, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Editors will only consider papers written in English.

    About the JournalCelebrating its 22nd year, EPAA is a peer-reviewed, open-access, international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary journal designed for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and development analysts concerned with education policies. EPAA/AAPE accepts unpublished original manuscripts in English, Spanish and Portuguese without restriction as to conceptual and methodological perspectives, time or place.

    Submission Information: All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the EPAA website and follow the Journal’s submission guidelines: We will not consider manuscripts submitted for publication or published elsewhere.

    Deadline: August 31, 2014

    Publication date: March 2015

    Early submissions are encouraged.

    Guest Co-Editors: Daniel Friedrich, Teachers College, Columbia University ( and Rolf Straubhaar, University of California – Los Angeles (

    Read more about Call for Papers: Teach For All and Global Teacher Education Reform
  • Call for Papers: Models of Open Education in Higher Education


    Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA) announces a call for papers for a special issue exploring “Models of Open Education in Higher Education.” Through the advent of open educational resources (OER) and open access, the education arena is witnessing the rise of new models to support learning. From Coursera to Codecademy, to local initiatives led by individual instructors—these models are helping to shift the way that higher education institutions approach pedagogy and credentialing, both at the policy and the course levels. For example, several institutions have created new offices and initiatives to encourage faculty to creatively use open content in their courses; some of these institutions are also supporting lifelong learning by enlisting their faculty to lead Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs. Other institutions are partnering with open content providers to create adaptable, accredited courses that are better aligned to employers’ expectations for workforce competencies. And instructors are experimenting with new pedagogical approaches offered through open content as a means of meeting their students’ varied learning styles and needs.


    These models will likely continue to make inroads into higher education—spurred in part by rising costs of education, decreases in funding, and increased demand from students, parents, and employers for innovative teaching approaches. There is currently, however, limited empirical understanding of the forms that these models can take, and their potential impact on formal education, on policy, on curriculum, and on the practice of pedagogy.

    Education Policy Analysis Archives announces a call for papers for a special issue exploring the policy and practice of open education models in higher education. The special issue seeks to answer: What are the ways that OER support current challenges in higher education? How are these new, OER-based models impacting education as we know it—at both a policy and practice level? And finally, how are these new models impacting higher education stakeholders, including instructors their students? In answering these questions, this issue hopes to inform both theory and in practice by opening up dialogue and providing evidence for the ways that these models can support institutional goals, and by offering insights into successful practices that leverage open content toward enhanced student learning. We invite both theoretical and empirical papers for the issue, as well as papers that draw on innovative approaches to addressing this nascent area of research.

    About the JournalCelebrating its 22nd year, EPAA is a peer-reviewed, open-access, international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary journal designed for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and development analysts concerned with education policies. EPAA/AAPE accepts unpublished original manuscripts in English, Spanish and Portuguese without restriction as to conceptual and methodological perspectives, time or place.

    Submission Information: All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the EPAA website and follow the Journal’s submission guidelines: We will not consider manuscripts submitted for publication or published elsewhere.

    Deadline: September 1, 2014

    Publication date: March 2015

    Early submissions are encouraged.

    Guest Co-Editors:

    Lisa Petrides, Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education,

    Cynthia Jimes, Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education,

    Please also cc on all correspondence.

    Read more about Call for Papers: Models of Open Education in Higher Education
  • Annual Report volume 21 (2013)/a special thanks to our volume 21 (2013) reviewers!


    Overview of Publishing Activities

    •  91 articles published, representing a 52% increase from Volume 20 (2012)
      • 20 articles in Portuguese
      • 17 articles in Spanish
      • 54 articles in English
      • 168 authors (compared with 83 in 2012) from 100 institutions and 19 different countries (compared with just 10 countries in 2012)
      • 330 reviewers collaborated with EPAA/AAPE
      • 6 special issues published in 2013:
        • Value-Added: What America’s Policymakers Need to Know and Understand, Guest Edited by Dr. Audrey Amrein-Beardsley and Assistant Editors Dr. Clarin Collins, Dr. Sarah Polasky, and Ed Sloat.
        • The American Community College in the 21st Century, Guest Co-Edited by Dr. Jeanne M. Powers and Amelia Marcetti Topper.
        • Preparing Teachers: Highly Qualified to Do What? Guest Co-Edited by Dr. Pia Lindquist Wong and Dr. Elaine Chin.
        • Contextos, Perguntas, Respostas: O que há de novo na Educação de Jovens e Adultos? Editoras convidadas: Sandra Regina Sales  Jane Paiva
        • Social Pedagogy in the 21st Century, Guest Co-Edited by Dr. Daniel Schugurensky and Michael Silver.
        • Formação de Professores e Práticas Culturais: Descobertas, Enlaces, Experimentações Editoras convidadas: Carla Beatriz Meinerz, Dóris Maria Luzzardi Fiss, e Sônia Mara Ogiba
    •  12 videocasts posted on the EPAA/AAPE blog (10 more than in 2012)


    • 1,500 unique visitors (average per article)
    • 2,812 subscribers to our listserv
    • 130,000 unique visitors in the year (20% increase from 2012)

    Visitors to EPAA/AAPE Website: Top 10 Countries



    % Visits

    United States












    United Kingdom


















    Publication Process

    Submissions received during 2013:                              249

    Submissions sent for peer review:                                141

    Submissions rejected by editorial board:                      108

    Submissions rejected after peer-review :                         60

    Submissions accepted for publication:                             28

    Submissions still under review:                                         53

    Acceptance rate                                                           11%

    Time to Publication

    • § 7 days (interval for publication)
    • § 56 days to review (average time for contacting authors with letters of acceptance/rejection)
    • § 150 days to publication (average time between reception, revision and publication)

    Rankings, Indexing, and Progress

    •  EPAA/AAPE is listed by more than 20 scholarly indexing agencies including Scopus, Redalyc, Qualis, CIRC, and Pubmed.
    • EPAA/AAPE is listed in Quartile 2 in the classification of the SCImago Journal Ranking using data from Scopus.
    • Using Scopus, EPAA/AAPE’s H-Index is 27 (The H-index indicates average citations)
    • Using Google Scholar EPAA/AAPE’s has an H-index of 13.
    • Using the H-index of Google Scholar EPAA/AAPE’s is one of the top 10 education policy journals
    • Using the H index of the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) EPAA/AAPE is ranked #34 among 175 US education journals and #63 among the 619 worldwide ranked journals in education.
    • According to our own estimates, EPAA/AAPE continues to be the top open access journal ranked on the SJR indicator.
    • EPAA/AAPE continues to reach readers through our Facebook page and Twitter feed.

    Announcements for 2014

    • All articles submitted in Spanish covering South America will be edited by the team coordinated by Dr. Jason Beech from Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina.
    • EPAA/AAPE start providing DOIs for newly published articles
    • EPAA/AAPE will start using Article Level Metrics (Altmetrics)
    • 6 special issues are under development for 2014:
      • Politics, Policies, and Practices of Coaching and Mentoring Programs, Guest Edited by Dr. Sarah L. Woulfin.
      • The Future of Educational Research Journals, Guest Edited by Dr. David Post.
      • The Comparative and International History of School Accountability and Testing, Co-Guest Edited by Dr. Sherman Dorn and Dr. Christian Ydesen.
      • Nuevas Perspectivas para Debatir el Currículum Escolar, Editores del monográfico Miguel A. Pereyra e Jesús Romero Morante.
      • Reclaiming Public Education and the At-Risk City: Insights from Detroit. Co-Guest Edited by Dr. Thomas Pedroni and Dr. Camille Wilson.
      • Educação Especial: diferenças, currículo e processos de ensino e aprendizagemEditoras convidadas Márcia Denise Pletsch, Geovana Mendonça, e Lunardi Mendes.


    On behalf of EPAA/AAPE, 
we wish you a very happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

    A Special Thanks to Our Volume 21 (2013) Reviewers

    Kamal Abouchedid

    Lisa Abrams

    Debra Ackerman

    Emily Ackman

    Karen Adams

    Stephanie Adams

    Cliff Adelman

    Cecilia Adrogue

    Alexandre Aguia

    Zenaida Aguirre-Munoz

    June Ahn

    Motoko Akiba

    Nicola Alexander

    Juan Alperin

    Marcia Alvarenga

    Marisa Alvarez

    Sylvanus Amkaya-Nacheri

    Audrey Amrein-Beardsley

    Leanna Archambault

    Emily Arcia

    Alfredo Artiles

    Angela Arzubiaga

    Paul Attewell

    David Berliner

    Bianca Bernstein

    Ilene Berson

    Eric Bettinger

    Gina Biancarosa

    Lucidio Bianchetti

    Robert Bifulco

    Lauren Bivona

    Alex Bowers

    Debra Bragg

    Henry Braun

    Ana Brenner

    Casey Brown

    Kim Brown

    Heath Brown

    Carolyn Brown

    Iria Brzezinski

    Jack Buckley

    Rosa Bueno Fischer

    Maria Isabel Bujes

    Dana Burde

    Antonio Burgos Garcia

    Daniel Burke

    Ray Buss

    Angela Byars-Winston

    Rebeca Caballero

    Veronica Cabezas

    Marie Cameron

    Brett Campbell

    Javier Campos

    Maria Campos

    Suresh Canagarajah

    Alejandro Canales

    Marisa Cannata

    Brendan Cantwell

    Gerson Carmo

    Carmen Carnerero Montenegro

    Paulo Carrano

    Marilia Carvalho

    Adriana Carvalho Lopes

    Matthew Chingos

    Sung-Woo Cho

    Daniel Choi

    Chuing Chou

    Carol Christensen

    Daryl Chubin

    Jesus Cisneros

    Jose Cisneros

    Patrick Clancy

    Susana Claro

    Jon Clausen

    Sue Clery

    Casey Cobb

    Martha Cocchiarella

    Valdete Coco

    Carina Coelho

    Clarin Collins

    Amanda Cooper

    Eileen Coppola

    Rildo Cosson

    Marisa Costa

    Xavier Costa

    Gabriela Cruder

    Anne Cullen

    Maria Isabel Cunha

    Dasy Cunha

    Ashlee Cunsolo Willox

    Mary Curry

    Michael Curtis

    Inge Danielsen

    Danielle Dennis

    Chad Dentremont

    Victor Diaz

    Sarah Diem

    Camila do Valle F. de Miranda

    Thurston Domina

    Tara Donahue

    Haiying Dong

    Neil Dorans

    Sherman Dorn

    Emily Duvall

    Donald Easton-Brooks

    Pamela Eddy

    Jacqueline Edmondson

    D. Brent Edwards Jr.

    Tamela Eitle

    Jennifer Engle

    Kerry Englert

    Oscar Espinoza

    Kris Ewing

    Osmar FÁvero

    Nalu Farenzena

    Karen Febey

    Jason Feld


    José Fernández

    Maria Clara Fischer

    Rosa Fischer

    Samara Foster

    Teresa Foulger

    Doug Fuchs

    Marco Fuentes

    Gerald Galway

    Amy Gaumer Erickson

    Sean Geary

    Sara Goldrick-Rab

    Harvey Goldstein

    Rebecca Goldstein

    Andrea Golloher

    Alfredo Gomes

    Laura Gomez

    Rosa Elsa GonzÁlez Ramirez Leslie

    Gonzales Cecilia

    Goulart Andrea Gouveia

    Cassandra Guarino Edmund Hamann

    Amani Hamdan

    Mery Hamui

    Michael Harris

    Douglas Harris

    Juliet Hart

    Tiffany Harvey

    Careli Herrera

    Jennifer Holme

    Hee Kyung Hong

    Caroline Hoxby

    Russanne Hozayin

    Allison Hurst

    Hokyu Hwang

    Alvaro Hypolito

    Jennifer Imazeki

    Francesc Imbernón Muñoz

    Catalina Inclan

    Timothy Ireland

    Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

    Eugene Judson

    Thomas Kane

    Gibbs Kanyongo

    Zorka Karanxha

    Michael Kirst

    Lisa Kirtman

    Robert Knoeppel

    Michal Kurlaender

    Andrà LÁzaro

    Frankie Laanan

    Brian Lagotte

    Arturo Lahera SÁnchez

    Robert Lake

    Estela Larraguivel

    Stephen Lawton

    Yengny Laya

    Mariana Leal

    Cecilia Leal-Covey

    John Lee

    Moosung Lee

    Jaekyung Lee

    Denise Leite

    Karen Levesque

    Benjamin Levin

    Daniel Levy

    Stacey Long-Genovese

    Alice Lopes

    Francesca Lopez

    Samuel Lucas

    Antonio Luevano

    Alberto Luis Gomez

    Allan Luke

    Márcia Lunardi-Lazzarin

    David Lustick

    Antonio Luzan

    Reitu Mabokela

    Martha MacIver

    Elizabeth Macedo

    Maria Machado

    Robert Macmillan

    Jeffrey Maiden

    Jefferson Mainardes

    Susan Maller

    Paul Manna

    Gregory Marchant

    Lou Mariano

    Patricia Marin

    Jaume Martínez Bonafé

    Pablo Martínez Riquelme

    María Jesús Martínez Usarralde

    Wendy Martin

    Maria Martinez-Cosio

    Mirian Martins

    Sarup Mather

    William Mathis

    Jennifer McCombs

    Tristan McCowan

    Patrick McGuinn

    Lee McIlroy

    Ezella McPherson

    Patrick McQuillan

    Jay Meeks

    Débora Mello

    Pilar Mendoza

    Deanna Michael

    Roslyn Mickelson

    Abby Miller

    Maria Angélica


    Rick Mintrop

    Yongmei Ni

    Sharon Nichols

    Ann Nielsen

    Peter Ninnes

    Silvia Nogueron-Liu

    Pedro Nuñez

    Leila Nunes

    Colleen O’Brien

    Matthew Ohlson

    Jane Paiva

    Sarah Polasky

    Amanda Potterton

    Susan Printy

    José Luis Ramírez

    Marise Ramos

    Lilian Ramos

    Paula Razquin

    Anabelle Reta

    Carols Riadigos

    Rita Ribes

    Ginette Roberge

    Sarah Robert

    Emily Robertson

    Melissa Roderick

    José Rodriguez

    Juan Rodríguez

    M. Felicity Rogers-Chapman

    Sam Rohr

    Anthony Rolle

    Claudia Romero

    Russell Rumberger

    Damián Sánchez

    Françcoise Salager-Meyer

    Jose Salazar Zegers

    Terry Salem

    Sandra Sales

    Kenneth Saltman

    Armando Santuario

    Colin Savage

    Marika Savukoski

    Sonia Schneider

    Daniel Schugurensky

    Suzana Schwertner

    Jennifer Shea

    Paulo Vinicius Silva

    Michael Silver

    Luciene Simões

    Pep Simo

    Russell Skiba

    Michael Skolnik

    John Slate

    Finbarr Sloane

    Donaldo Souza

    Ivone Souza

    Ãngelo Souza

    Donaldo Souza

    Eleanor Spindler

    Jorge Stack

    Amy Stambach

    Monica Stigler

    Rolf Straubhaar

    James Stronge

    Lisa Stulberg

    Amy Subert

    Gail Sunderman

    Johnny Sung


    Dennis Swender

    Manuel Tavares

    Daiane Tavares

    Catherine Taylor

    Cathryn Teasley

    Amy Topper

    Tina Trujillo

    Mun Tsang

    Marika Tsolakis

    Shivali Tukdeo

    Alia Tyner-Mullings

    Angeles Valle Flores

    Jacques van der Meer

    Joke Vandenabeele

    Charles Vanover

    Miriam Vargas

    Julian Vasquez Heilig

    Soledad Vazquez

    Robert Verhine

    Marcos Villela Pereira

    Geruza Volpe

    Claudia Vovio

    Cally Waite

    Federico Waitoller

    Florian Waldow

    CÁtia Walter

    Kevin Welner

    Jacob Werblow

    FlÁvia Werle

    Keith Wetzel

    David Whale

    Ed Wiley

    Mia Williams

    Pia Wong

    Sissy Wong

    Kenneth Wong

    Rebecca Zwick

    Read more about Annual Report volume 21 (2013)/a special thanks to our volume 21 (2013) reviewers!
  • Deadlines for EPAA/AAPE’s special call for papers are fast approaching.


    Dear Readers,

    The deadlines for EPAA/AAPE’s special call for papers are fast approaching. Please keep these dates in mind in order for your submissions to be considered.

    • Democracy’s College: The American Community College in the 21st Century

    Research papers exploring the role of community colleges in the 21st century and how community colleges balance their multiple and possibly conflicting missions are encouraged.


    Deadline: Wednesday, August 1, 2012

    Expected Publication Date: January 2013

    Guest Co-Editors: Dr. Jeanne M. Powers ( and Amelia M. Topper (


    • Preparing Teachers Highly Qualified to Do What?

    Research papers exploring teacher preparation in an era of pacing guidelines, benchmark tests, scripted curricula, and program improvement are encouraged.

    Deadline: Thursday, November 1, 2012

    Expected Publication Date: March/April 2013

    Guest Co-Editors: Dr. Pia Lindquist Wong ( and Dr. Elaine Chin (


    • Social Pedagogy in the 21st Century

    Research papers exploring the role of social pedagogy in the 21st century including issues of social exclusion, democratic participation, and empowerment of disadvantages groups are encouraged.

    Deadline: Monday, December 31, 2012

    Expected Publication Date: March 2013

    Guest Co-Editors: Dr. Daniel Schugurensky ( and Michael Silver (


    The EPAA/AAPE Editorial Team

    Read more about Deadlines for EPAA/AAPE’s special call for papers are fast approaching.