Differentiated indigenous school education: Analysis of scientific publications between 2012 and 2018





Differentiated Education, Indigenous School Education, Indigenous School


This theoretical essay reflects on what has been and has been accomplished the application of the right to a differentiated education to indigenous peoples in indigenous schools, through a bibliographical review of dissertations and theses published between 2012 to 2018, available in BDT CAPES database, aiming to identify whether or not it is implemented, trying to identify the presence of traditional cultural elements of each ethnic group in the content and educational practices actualized in these schools. After analyzing the selected material, we sought to reflect on what it reveals about the realities studied, offering a landscape on how differentiated education has been understood and implemented in indigenous schools, as well as the difficulties identified there, reflecting on the proposition of new perspectives to make the construction of differentiated indigenous school education more effective.


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Author Biography

Marcos José de Aquino Pereira, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)

Mestre em Educação pelo Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo (UNISAL). Possui graduação e licenciatura plena em Filosofia pela Universidade São Judas Tadeu - SP. Docente efetivo da Rede Oficial de Ensino do Estado de São Paulo e professor coordenador geral no Programa de Ensino Integral. Lecionou as disciplinas Relações étnico-raciais e pluralidade cultural, Filosofia, História e Sociologia da Educação e coordenou projetos relacionados à interculturalidade crítica, no curso de pedagogia da FACON. Palestrou sobre Educação Integral na Universidade do Minho - Portugal (2015) e atualmente desenvolve pesquisa de doutorado, na Universidade Federal de São Carlos, sobre os processos educativos dos povos originários brasileiros.



How to Cite

Aquino Pereira, M. J. de. (2020). Differentiated indigenous school education: Analysis of scientific publications between 2012 and 2018. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28, 71. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.28.4779



Educação e Povos Indígenas