Regionalization and policy mobilities in comparative perspective: Composing educational assemblages in quasi-federal polities




regionalization, trans-regional regimes, quasi-federal polities, complex educational assemblages, Caribbean Community, European Union


We employ a policy assemblage, mobilities, and mutations framework to analyze the geographies that constitute and reflect educational policy circulation at the regional or supranational level in trans-regional regimes and/or quasi-federal polities such as the European Union (EU) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Recognizing that policies are mobile in a fragmentary fashion as they are re/dis/assembled in specific ways, places, and purposes, we move beyond methodological nationalism and pay attention to the make-up of policies as they are in motion and the places they affect. In other words, using the trans-regional and/or quasi-federal level, we juxtapose the tensions between policy as fixed, territorial, or place-specific against the dynamic, regional, and relational policy elements. Methodologically, we use a comparative federalist lens to trace and examine the distillation, translation, and mobilization of education policy across and between quasi-federal polities. In this sense, epistemologically, we further explicate the manner in which such policy instruments move across the various interconnected units and sites composing these federal-type entities, while (re)territorializing and deterritorializing what we construe as complex educational assemblages. We show that contra to the extant literature, in Europe/EU and the Caribbean/CARICOM, movement, and mobility involves the connectivity between policymaking sites, and policies arrive at their destination in the same form as they appeared elsewhere, allowing for forms of discursive isomorphism.


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Author Biographies

t. d. jules, Loyola University Chicago

tavis d. jules is a professor of cultural and educational policy studies and higher education at Loyola University Chicago; his focus and expertise lie in comparative and international education, specifically on decoloniality, racial capitalism, race/racism, terrorism, regionalism, and dictatorial transition issues. He is the immediate past president of the Caribbean Studies Association, book and media reviews editor for the Comparative Education Review, an International Institute of Islamic Thought Fellow, and a senior fellow at NORRAG. He has authored, co-authored, and edited over 50 refereed articles and book chaptersthree monographsand seven edited books.

Florin D. Salajan, North Dakota State University

Florin D. Salajan is a professor in the School of Education at North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education, comparative education, and instructional methods. His areas of research interests include comparative and international education, European higher education policies, European educational policy analysis, teacher education in a comparative perspective, comparative e-learning, and information and communication technology in teaching and learning. His research articles have appeared in journals such as the Comparative Education Review, Compare, European Journal of Education, European Educational Research Journal, European Journal of Higher Education, and Educational Policy. In recent years he has also co-edited and contributed chapters for several volumes in comparative and international education.




How to Cite

jules, t. d., & Salajan, F. D. (2023). Regionalization and policy mobilities in comparative perspective: Composing educational assemblages in quasi-federal polities. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31.



Global Policy Mobilities in Federal Education Systems