Literacies of women prison survivors in the process of penalty redemption: A decolonial perspective




female incarceration, decolonial pedagogy, literacy projects, young and adult literacy, prison education


In this article, we discuss the results of a literacy project developed with women convicts released from the prison system in the state of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil who, at the moment of their participation in the project, were serving their sentences in the open system. Assuming a decolonial perspective (Quijano, 2005) and based on a critical and emancipatory approach (Freire, 1978), as a mechanism for prisoners’ social reintegration, we analyze data that result from the literacy practices of 20 of these women registered in a professional training course, Alvorada Project, offered by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte in partnership with the National Penitentiary Department (DEPEN). The research, informed by the field of new literacy studies, was developed in the area of applied linguistics, using a qualitative and interpretive methodological approach, with data generated during the course from various research instruments (questionnaire, testimonials, written texts, photos, videos, etc.). The results point to the need for rethinking literacy policies developed in prison programs, because when developed from an instrumental perspective, literacy policies do not account for incarcerated women's interests and needs, nor contribute effectively to expanding their reading and writing practices.


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Author Biographies

Angela Bustos Kleiman, UNICAMP/UNEB/CNPq

Angela B. Kleiman é Professora Titular aposentada do Instituto de Linguagem da UNICAMP. Suas principais áreas de pesquisa são a leitura e a formação do professor e os estudos de letramento. Publicou Leitura: Ensino e Pesquisa; Texto e Leitor: Aspectos Cognitivos da Leitura; Oficina de Leitura; Os Significados do Letramento; Leitura e Interdisciplinaridade: Tecendo Redes nos Projetos da Escola (com Silvia Moraes) e organizou várias coletâneas nesses campos de pesquisa.

Ivoneide Bezerra de Araújo Santos-Marques, IFRN - PPgEL/UFRN

Ivoneide Bezerra de Araújo Santos-Marques é Professora Titular do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Linguagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Seus principais interesses de pesquisa são letramentos, ensino de leitura e escrita, formação do professor e Educação Profissional integrada à Educação de Jovens e Adultos.



How to Cite

Kleiman, A. B., & Santos-Marques, I. B. de A. (2023). Literacies of women prison survivors in the process of penalty redemption: A decolonial perspective. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31.



Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas, Letramentos e Decolonialidade