Speculations on experiences in public education and the health of the nation’s democracy


  • David C. Berliner Arizona State University (Emeritus)




curriculum, apprenticeship, employability, censorship, public education, democracy


In this paper an unusual informant is asked about the relationship between public education and democracy. Discussed also are the differences between schooling as preparation for employment vs. schooling for democratic living. The latter requires a curriculum different from that often found in America’s public schools. An example of what one such curriculum might look like is provided. Also discussed is the problem of providing youth an apprenticeship in democracy, when some argue that few public schools are democratically run. Noted as well is the troubled relationship of contemporary assessment practices with, simultaneously, the desire to foster democratic values in our public schools. Also examined are the contemporary problems associated with assuring youth unfettered access to the literature and ideas of our civilization. It is a common belief that democracy cannot thrive when access to information is controlled. Finally, the many roles that community schools play in fostering democratic living are considered. 


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Author Biography

David C. Berliner, Arizona State University (Emeritus)

David C. Berliner has authored over 300 articles, chapters and books. Among his best-known works are The Manufactured Crisis, co-authored with B. J. Biddle; Collateral Damage: How High-Stakes Testing Corrupts American Education, co-authored with Sharon Nichols; and 50 Myths and Lies that Threaten America’s Public Schools, co-authored with Gene V Glass. He co-edited the first Handbook of Educational Psychology, and the books Talks to Teachers, Perspectives on Instructional Time, and Putting Research to Work in Your School. He is a member of the National Academy of Education, and a past president of both the American Educational Research Association and the Division of Educational Psychology of the American Psychological Association. He has taught at many universities in the United States and abroad. His major interests are in the study of teaching, teacher education, and educational policy.



How to Cite

Berliner, D. C. (2023). Speculations on experiences in public education and the health of the nation’s democracy. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.31.8061



Education and the Challenges of Democracy