Recent Articles

Perspectives and discourses on diversity and inclusion in the university community




diversity, inclusion, critical pedagogy, university


The lines of research on diversity and inclusion have increased markedly in recent years. However, few studies integrate the perspective of different agents, and even more scarce are those developed within the epistemological and methodological framework of critical pedagogy. In this sense, the aim of the research has been to analyse the perspectives and discourses on diversity and inclusion in the Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid from the voices of the university community within three discursive lines or paradigms: integrative, inclusive-canonical, and inclusive-transformative. Forty-seven people from different groups in the university community took part in the study, which used interviews as the data production technique. The results, obtained by coordinating an open and axial coding system, are presented according to three codes: concept of diversity, attitudes towards inclusion, and institutional concept of diversity and inclusion. The conclusions allow us to identify the permanence of a hegemonic model of a banking nature, despite evidence of a positive evolution in the perspectives and discourses on diversity and inclusion.


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Author Biography

María Naranjo-Crespo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la inclusión social y educativa, la adolescencia y juventud en situación de dificultad social, y la política educativa. Actualmente, es profesora doctora en el Área de Educación de la Universidad Internacional de la Empresa, profesora doctora en el CES Don Bosco y miembro del grupo Configuraciones Pedagógicas y Cultura Cívico-social de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



How to Cite

Naranjo-Crespo, M. (2024). Perspectives and discourses on diversity and inclusion in the university community. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 32.


