From the workers’ adult education to the trade union higher education system in France: The Regional Employment Institutes


  • Regina Maria Caruccio Martins IUT- Institut Universitaire Technologique de Belfort



higher education, French unionism, social Law


This presentation on the hystorical context of the trade union adult education, limits itself to the 20th century, beginning with the postwar years till the creation of the first Regional Instituto of Employment, in 1956. The socio-economic conditions, as well as the policies of the time, determined the development of the workers’ social right that eventually led to the right to training and education. My role as a research professor at the IRT (2006- 2007) enabled me to enjoy the productions and discussions held by the institute’s experts in several fields (economists, lawyers, sociologists and historians) to carry out my research work on the unionism in France. In my capacity as an expert in adult education, I aimed to demonstrate through the data I could gather, the role that lifelong education plays in the education of the trade union workers, regardless of the ideologycal orientation the union may have, as it concerns a right embedded in the Civil Code which every worker is entitled to.


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Author Biography

Regina Maria Caruccio Martins, IUT- Institut Universitaire Technologique de Belfort

Professora pesquisadora na França desde 2005. 35 anos no ensino: 15 no ensino supletivo no Rio de Janeiro, 21 anos na França, na formação continuada em lingua portuguesa e 10 no ensino superior, leitora de português na Sorbonne, 2 anos de ATER - Attaché Temporire D'enseignement et de Recherche nas universidades: de La Méditerranée e IRT-Institut Régional du Travail, e no IUT-Belfort da Universidade de Franche-Comté.

De retorno ao Brasil, espera passar um concurso para reintegrar o ensino superior no Brasil.

Especialista da formação de adultos, com DEA de Pesquisas em Formação de Adultos no CNAM de Paris, DEA em Ciências da Linguagem e Doutorado em Ciências da Educação ne Universidade de Paris 8. Curriculum completo em Ciências da Educação. Licence e Maîtrise an Universidade de Paris X Nanterre.

Licenciada em Letras (francês e português) na UFRGS



How to Cite

Caruccio Martins, R. M. (2011). From the workers’ adult education to the trade union higher education system in France: The Regional Employment Institutes. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 19, 9.


