Restructuring Chinese Higher Education


  • Fang Zhao University of Western Sydney


Palabras clave:

Case Studies, Centralization, Consortia, Cooperation, Educational Change, Educational Policy, Educational Trends, Foreign Countries, Higher Education, School Restructuring


In this article, the current remarkable trend of institutional amalgamation and the establishment of cross-institutional consortiums in China are examined. The principal purpose of this study is to explore policy options on issues connected with the trend and the significant implications of the trend for the future development of higher education in China. I discuss the outstanding issues raised in the restructuring, the main factors behind them and proposes policy options to redress the adversities of the trend at the end. The article draws on national data as well as a case study. The research reported here is constructive for comparative and empirical research of similar issues in international perspectives.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fang Zhao, University of Western Sydney

Ms Fang Zhao was an Associate Professor in one of key universities in China before she started her research in Australia.She was awarded Master of Education degree by an Australian university for her research in higher education and economic development. She is at the final stage of her doctoral research in the governance and funding of higher education.




Cómo citar

Zhao, F. (1998). Restructuring Chinese Higher Education. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 6, 5.


