
Recursos humanos e inducción en políticas públicas: Avanzando objetivos cosmopolitas críticos



Palabras clave:

recursos humanos, inducción, profesores de grupos minoritarios, política pública, la diversidad (cultural) como valor


Este artículo se centra en el papel de las políticas públicas en recursos humanos y programas de inducción para aumentar el número de Maestros de Color y Maestros Indígenas (en inglés, TOCIT). Con ese fin, proporcionamos una descripción general del panorama de políticas públicas seguida de un ejemplo que brinda una visión de las posibilidades que se están implementando actualmente. Terminamos avanzando recomendaciones específicas de políticas públicas y sus implicaciones.


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Biografía del autor/a

Desiree W. Cueto, University of Arizona

Desirée W. Cueto, PhD is an associate professor at the University of Arizona, in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies. Her research focuses on three main areas: Black perspectives in children’s literature, responses of culturally resilient youth to critical literacy, and the recruitment and retention of BIPOC pre-service teachers. She co-authored Essentials of Children’s Literature and has contributed to journals and publications such as AERA Handbook on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers, Research in the Teaching of EnglishJournal of Children’s LiteratureJournal of Literacy ResearchLanguage Arts, and the ALAN Review.

Amber Ravenell, Teach Plus

Amber Ravenell is the National Research Director at Teach Plus where she leads research projects that elevate teacher voice in Teach Plus regions and nationally. She co-authored reports with Teach Plus and the Tennessee Education Research Alliance on educator diversity, teacher labor markets, and student and teacher mental health.  

Francisco Rios, Western Washington University

Francisco Rios, PhD, is Emeritus Professor and Dean from Western Washington University. He was a Fulbright Fellow (Chile) and former President of the National Association for Multicultural Education. He is co-author with A Longoria of Creating a Home in Schools:  Sustaining Identities for Black, Indigenous, and Teachers of Color (Teachers College Press, 2021) and College Success for Students of Color: A Culturally Empowered Assets-Based Approach (Teachers College Press, 2024), co-authored with J. Bridgeman, A. Jaime, K. Roxas, and C. Russell.

Lindsay Sobel, Teach Plus

As Chief of Policy, Planning & External Affairs, Lindsay Sobel (she/her) manages Teach Plus’ policy, research, and development functions, promotes the organizational expansion efforts, and contributes to the development and implementation of our organizational vision and strategy. She expanded Teach Plus’s policy and partnerships work at the federal level and deepened regional impact, expanding the organization’s work to 12 states.




Cómo citar

Cueto, D. W., Ravenell, A., Rios, F., & Sobel, L. (2024). Recursos humanos e inducción en políticas públicas: Avanzando objetivos cosmopolitas críticos. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 32.



Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers