Effects of the evaluation and accreditation processes on academics. A case study of a Colombian higher education institution





Higher Education, Academics, Accreditation, Colombia


The implementation of public evaluation and accreditation policies by Colombian higher education institutions, suggests the imminent adoption of a new university model that introduces market logic and modifies their substantive functions, which has a direct effect on the role of academic actors, without evident resistance to internalizing a new form of institutional life. This study applies a historical-organizational qualitative method to investigate such problem at a public higher education institution in Colombia. The results show that the institution reconfigured its history and implemented guidelines established by public policies that underlie a perspective of higher education management based on international proposals where New Public Management (NPM) and governance generate different dynamics that modify the rules of the game by overvaluing the research function and giving new meaning to the work of academics in a logic of scientific production to achieve objectives that improve the reputation and positioning of the institution in national and international rankings.


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Author Biographies

Nelcy Suárez-Landazábal, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano-ITM

Nelcy Suárez-Landazábal es doctora en Estudios Organizacionales de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México. Docente e investigadora en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano-ITM en Medellín-Colombia. Sus intereses de investigación están en el análisis de la implementación de la política educativa y el impacto de los sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad que se articulan con los mercados universitarios, la academia académica, el cambio y la innovación en las IES.


Angélica Buendía, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana UAM-Xochimilco

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Área Sociedad y Educación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-México. Jefa del Departamento de Producción Económica en la UAM-Xochimilco. Coordinadora General del Laboratorio de Análisis Institucional del Sistema Universitario Mexicano (LAISUM) Temas de investigación: Procesos de Institucionalización y cambio en educación superior; aseguramiento de calidad, políticas públicas y gestión universitaria.



How to Cite

Suárez-Landazábal, N., & Buendía, A. (2020). Effects of the evaluation and accreditation processes on academics. A case study of a Colombian higher education institution. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28, 113. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.28.5353


