Between academic integrity and student plagiarism, what do Mexican public universities say in their regulations?




academic integrity, plagiarism, university regulations, public universities, Mexico


This is a documentary research that seeks to contribute to the study of student plagiarism by analyzing the regulations of 33 Mexican public universities. The purpose is to recognize both the strengths and challenges of institutional legal frameworks and to identify how they promote academic integrity and confront dishonest behaviors such as plagiarism. The analysis is organized into three categories. The first is axiological and analyzes the values expressed in organic laws and codes of ethics. The second is operational and examines school, degree, and graduate regulations. The third identifies the notions of plagiarism and institutional resources to prevent and identify it. The scope and limitations of the regulations are presented, and it is observed that universities state suitable values to promote academic integrity among their students. However, these principles are disconnected from the specific regulations that guide their daily activities since the regulations on respect for intellectual property are scarce and ambiguous. It should be noted that the successful legal initiatives to begin to combat plagiarism are insufficient to be considered as the only institutional strategy to face this challenge; on the contrary, they are the basis for designing actions and allocating various resources to eradicate it.


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Author Biographies

Mitzi Danae Morales Montes, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Lerma

Profesora investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Lerma. Egresada del Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas del CINVESTAV. Ganadora del premio ANUIES a la mejor tesis de maestría en 2011 y merecedora del premio CEEAD a la mejor tesis de posgrado en 2019. Es integrante del Seminario de Políticas y Organizaciones de Educación Media Superior y Superior “POEMS” del Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas del CINVESTAV. Ha sido profesora universitaria desde 2011. Sus intereses de investigación se centran en las políticas de educación superior, la educación superior privada, los egresados universitarios y el empleo y la socialización profesional.

Ivonne Lujano Vilchis, Arizona State University

Ivonne Lujano Vilchis es estudiante de doctorado en Política Educativa y Evaluación en la Universidad Estatal de Arizona. Ha trabajado en iniciativas de comunicación académica y publicación de acceso abierto desde 2011. Su participación como embajadora del Directorio de Revistas de Acceso Abierto (DOAJ) en América Latina le ha permitido colaborar con varias universidades y agencias gubernamentales en la adopción de mejores prácticas para las publicaciones académicas, y políticas de ciencia abierta. Sus intereses de investigación se centran en los sistemas de educación superior, la evaluación de la investigación, la política científica, el acceso abierto, la comunicación académica y la ciencia abierta.



How to Cite

Morales Montes, M. D., & Lujano Vilchis, I. (2021). Between academic integrity and student plagiarism, what do Mexican public universities say in their regulations?. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(August - December), 166.