Gender equality education in childhood and adolescence in Spanish schools: An investment for social transformation




educational policies, gender equality, preschool and primary schools, prevention of gender violence, education for change


Gender equality constitutes a fundamental legal value of modern societies. However, inequality between men and women is still an axial feature in Spanish society today, and education plays a key role in this regard. This research measures the climate and analyzes the capacity of the Spanish nursery and primary schools to offer an education in gender equality, valid to tackle gender violence, through its prevention from the beginning of the education and socialization process. To do this, it analyzes the existence of sexist prejudices, school materials and texts, the role and training of teachers, the concern of families or the strategies of the schools themselves in this regard. The methodology used includes a survey answered by the management teams of a large sample of Spanish schools (388), complemented by in-depth interviews (16), and the analysis of institutional academic documents. The study shows the persistence of important gender stereotypes, and proposes to attack the roots of gender inequality from school, exercising our ethical responsibility as a society in the construction of a culture of equal opportunities between men and women and the prevention of gender violence.


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Author Biography

J. Eliseo Valle Aparicio, Universidad de Valencia

Profesor de la Universidad de Valencia (España), Director del University of Virginia in Valencia Program y Director Residente del Michigan State Summer Program. Es autor de ocho libros y de numerosas colaboraciones en obras colectivas; ha coordinado revistas y actuado como dictaminador; y ha publicado un importante número de artículos en revistas españolas y extranjeras. Sus líneas de investigación preferentes son la Dirección y el Liderazgo educativo, Educación en Igualdad de Género, Cultura e Historia. Ha presentado numerosas ponencias y dictado conferencias en Congresos y Foros Nacionales e Internacionales, esencialmente en temas educativos y de historia. Ha realizado estancias académicas como docente y como profesor investigador en diversas universidades europeas y americanas, como las Universidades de Virginia y Middlebury College en Vermont (EEUU); Universidad de Guadalajara (México); Universidad de Roma Tre (Italia); Universidad de Copenhague (Dinamarca).

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How to Cite

Valle Aparicio, J. E. (2022). Gender equality education in childhood and adolescence in Spanish schools: An investment for social transformation. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, (2).


