Managerialism in school practices of Andalusian educational centres: A case study




teaching practice, liberalism, subjectivity, business management


Starting from previous studies—which point to managerialism as a control device that has been introduced in schools in recent decades—this research aims to understand the experience of teachers with managerial practices and in what ways it conditions their educational practice. For this, a case study has been carried out through: semi-structured interviews (with sixteen teachers from public centers in Andalusia and one inspector) and the documentary analysis of the regulations that regulate two of the centers investigated. The results and discussion indicate that: 1) teachers feel overwhelmed by the continuous and elevated documentary task that the administration demands of them; 2) this work overload makes it difficult for teachers to reflect on their practice; 3) managerialism generates frameworks and structures that limit teaching autonomy and direct the meaning of their professional practice.


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Author Biographies

Diego Martín-Alonso, Universidad de Málaga

Profesor Ayudante Doctor en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Málaga. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en el estudio de las políticas curriculares y educativas, los saberes docentes, la coeducación y masculinidades.

Eva Guzmán-Calle, Universidad de Málaga

Doctoranda de la Universidad de Málaga. Graduada en Pedagogía. Pertenece al grupo de investigación HUM-311 “Evaluación e investigación educativa en Andalucía.”



How to Cite

Martín-Alonso, D., & Guzmán-Calle, E. (2023). Managerialism in school practices of Andalusian educational centres: A case study. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31.




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