Construction of border subjectivities of childhood by Chilean educational policies in contexts of migration




educational policies, migration, critical interculturality, border studies, Latin America


The article aims to critically analyze how educational policies at the national level have contributed to the pre-construction of a certain type of subject that would be influencing the educational experiences of migrant children and adolescents or children of migrants, with a special focus on the Norte Grande of Chile. In particular, the article is based on a qualitative study where semi-structured interviews with key informants and a systematization of public policies were carried out. Two theoretical currents are articulated for the theoretical-empirical work: border studies and critical interculturality. From the analysis, it is concluded that the different forms of pre-figuration of a certain type of subject that is reproduced through educational policies directly influence the inclusion of migrant children and adolescents or children of migrants both in their teaching-learning processes and in the relationships established within the educational communities. These dimensions are related to the adult-centeredness present in public policies; the hierarchization according to sociocultural aspects and the insistence on the narrative of children's legality.


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Author Biography

Sara Joiko, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE), Universidad Arturo Prat (UNAP)

Sara Joiko es Doctora en Sociología y Políticas Educativas por la University College London, e Investigadora Postdoctoral del INTE (UNAP). Sus áreas de expertice son los estudios fronterizos, la interculturalidad crítica, y la teoría de la práctica social de Pierre Bourdieu, para indagar en temas relacionados con las infancias y familias migrantes en contextos educativos, y las políticas educativas.



How to Cite

Joiko, S. (2023). Construction of border subjectivities of childhood by Chilean educational policies in contexts of migration. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31.


