Navigating parental rights: A study of Virginia’s model policies on transgender student treatment




transgender students, parental rights, queer, LGBTQ, politics of education, parents, gender diversity, gender


In this study, I explore the discourse surrounding parental rights in U.S. public schools, with Virginia as a focal point. Analyzing two sets of model policies regarding the treatment of transgender students—one established under a Democratic governor and another implemented following the election of a Republican candidate championing parental rights—this research employs qualitative content analysis to gain insight into the contemporary parental rights movement in educational settings. Five key themes emerged: 1. Reliance on expert opinions; 2. Variation in depth and breadth of information within policies; 3. Transgender student inclusion in policies; 4.  Student and parent focus imbalance; and 5. Adherence to legal intent. The findings indicate a shift in emphasis from addressing gender identity concerns to prioritizing parental rights, with ramifications for the broader political landscape. This research enriches the ongoing dialogue on the role of parents in education and the consequences of the conservative parental rights movement for educational policy.


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Author Biography

Dustin Hornbeck, The University of Memphis

Dustin Hornbeck is an assistant professor at the University of Memphis. He studies evolving curricular trends in secondary education that influence the democratic objectives of education. This encompasses areas such as dual enrollment, credentialism, restrictions on critical thinking and perspectives, and educational policy shifts that indoctrinate/alienate students. Beyond this, his broader research interests span policy changes in secondary education, experiences of LGBTQ students, the role of democracy in education, federalism, transitions to college, and equity issues in dual enrollment.




How to Cite

Hornbeck, D. (2023). Navigating parental rights: A study of Virginia’s model policies on transgender student treatment. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31.




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