Between a rock and a hard place? Tensions and teachers' frames of reference in the context of public policies on coexistence




public policies, school coexistence, teaching practices, school management


How can schools be organized to make peaceful coexistence (convivencia) possible? This question concerns not only school actors, but also public policies and educational research. The introduction of the Model of Convivencia to Attend, Prevent and Eradicate School Violence in the Mexican state of Guanajuato is linked to the hope that a corresponding development will be initiated. Based on the observation that many teachers have difficulties in orienting their actions on the basis of such a model, in this article we analyze the educational policy and the usual conditions of teachers' actions related to convivencia. With this objective, we analyze the discourse on school convivencia and the programs in force in México and Guanajuato. We then provide an overview of the results of an exploratory study of interviews with teachers from a total of five schools. To reconstruct their frames of reference, we used the documentary method. It becomes clear that different paradigms on school convivencia coexist and evoke uncertainties among school actors. These uncertainties are not only due to contradictory demands, but also to the perception of difficult contextual conditions for educational work. With involvement and detachment, we differentiate two modes of dealing with these uncertainties, which we can reconstruct in the interviews. These modes have different implications for the development of the discourse and practice of convivencia in schools.


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Author Biographies

Cecilia Fierro, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León, UNAM

Profesora e investigadora en la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, UNAM, León, México, adscrita al Laboratorio Interdisciplinario para la Docencia e Innovación Educativa. Doctora en Ciencias con especialidad en Investigaciones Educativas, por el DIE-CINVESTAV-IPN México. Investigadora asociada a la Cátedra UNESCO de la Juventud, Educación y Sociedad de la Universidad Católica de Brasilia.

Christopher Hempel, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, actualmente es profesor de didáctica interdisciplinaria de la escuela primaria. Anteriormente fue por un año investigador visitante en la ENES Léon, financiado por una beca del DAAD.



How to Cite

Fierro, C., & Hempel, C. (2025). Between a rock and a hard place? Tensions and teachers’ frames of reference in the context of public policies on coexistence. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 33.



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