Las Políticas Oficiales y la Tendencia a Actuar de los Docentes: Explorando las Discrepancias de las Percepciones Docentes


  • Orly Shapira – Lishchinsky Senior lecturer Bar-Ilan University
  • Israel Zvi Gilat Professor of Law in Education Bar-Ilan University


Palabras clave:

incidentes éticos fundamentales, moralidad de la atención, moralidad de la justicia, política oficial, programas de desarrollo profesional de docentes


El objetivo de este estudio es investigar si existen discrepancias entre las percepciones de los docentes sobre “políticas oficiales” y su “tendencia a actuar,” en función de la toma de decisiones éticas. Un análisis cualitativo de 60 cuestionarios tomados a profesores israelíes que presentaban incidentes éticos críticos reveló dilemas éticos multifacéticos anidados en las categorías de “discrepancias entre las políticas oficiales” y “tendencia a actuar” de los docentes: Daño (a personas, propiedades), ‘participación  de docentes/interferencia, y procesos académicos. Las discrepancias observadas entre las políticas oficiales y la tendencia a actuar pueden estimular el diseño de políticas educativas de programas de formación y desarrollo profesional que incluyen incidentes éticos fundamentales, a través de simulaciones en equipo y la formulación de directrices éticas sobre la base de procesos de toma de decisiones éticos.


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Biografía del autor/a

Orly Shapira – Lishchinsky, Senior lecturer Bar-Ilan University

Orly Shapira - Lishchinsky is a Senior lecturer at the Department of Educational Administration, Leadership and Policy at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.  Her research areas include: organizational ethics, ethical dilemmas in educational systems, teachers’ withdrawal behaviors (lateness, absenteeism and intent to leave) and mentoring through simulation based learning. She was awarded the Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award in the Educational Leadership and Strategy category. Her recent publications include articles in: Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of Educational Administration, Journal of Business Ethics, Educational Management Administration & Leadership, Human Resource Management Review, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Oxford Review of Education.

Israel Zvi Gilat, Professor of Law in Education Bar-Ilan University

Israel Z. Gilat, Rabbi, lawyer, Ph.D. in Law; Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, Associate Professor at the School of Law, Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel. Gilat’s research interests include Jewish law, family and inheritance law, social legislation and education law. He is also involved with research on legal aspects of social workers` practice concerning their attitude to the best interest of the child. In 2002-2003 he presided as a Chairperson of a Public Consulting Committee in this matter, appointed by the Israeli Minister of Labour and Welfare Affairs. Gilat has published a book on this topic entitled Family Law – The Relations between Parents and Children (2000)(Heb.) ) and over 40 refereed articles in scientific journals and chapters in scientific books including in Bar Ilan Law Studies; Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law; Justice; Annual of Bar Ilan Universities Studies in Judaica and the Humanities; Mentalities; Gazette du Palais; Studio Paedagogica; Netanya Academic College Law Review; Hamishpat; The Jewish Law Association Studies; Society & Welfare; Jewish Law Annual; Dine’ Israel – An annual in Jewish Law: Past and present; Sinai; Review of Rabbinic Judaism: Ancient, Medieval and Modern.




Cómo citar

Shapira – Lishchinsky, O., & Gilat, I. Z. (2015). Las Políticas Oficiales y la Tendencia a Actuar de los Docentes: Explorando las Discrepancias de las Percepciones Docentes. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 23, 82.


