The Public Accounts and the Education Sector in Portugal: assumption of the legal economy, efficiency and effectiveness


  • Prof. Doutor J. J. Marques de Almeida Universidade Aberta
  • Mestre Maria da Conceição de Costa Marques Universidade Aberta


Palabras clave:

Accounting, Transparency, Portugal


The National Accounting Plan for the Education Sector (POC - Education) is a Sector Plan for education, which follows on from the approval of the Journal of Public Accounts (OPAP), Decree-Law No. 232/97 of 3 September, the model it is based. With the approval of the POC - Education will create conditions for integrating the accounting, inventory and cost accounting in a modern public as an instrument to support decision-makers and other users of information, to remedy the deficiencies of accounting information previously experienced.

As aspects inovadoresdeste plan for the sector, we highlight the cost accounting and the consolidation of accounts. The cost accounting is a mandatory system as an important management tool for analysis and cost control to education, but also the income and results of operations. With the consolidation of accounts is intended to establish a political and management culture group at the same time seeking to facilitate the comparability in time and space, and is also a factor of transparency of public information. Not expected fiscal consolidation, applying the rules only to the consolidation of financial assets.


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Biografía del autor/a

Prof. Doutor J. J. Marques de Almeida, Universidade Aberta

Prof. Doutor J. J. Marques de Almeida Prof. Associado da Universidade Aberta Prof. Coordenador do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra—Portugal Economista/Revisor Oficial de Contas

Mestre Maria da Conceição de Costa Marques, Universidade Aberta

Mestre Maria da Conceição da Costa Marques Docente do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra (ISCA)—Portugal Doutoranda em Contabilidade–Universidade Aberta



Cómo citar

Marques de Almeida, P. D. J. J., & de Costa Marques, M. M. da C. (2003). The Public Accounts and the Education Sector in Portugal: assumption of the legal economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 11, 42.


