Educational Research in Latin America


  • Abdeljalil Akkari University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Soledad Perez Geneva University


Palabras clave:

Colleges, Educational History, Educational Research, Foreign Countries, Models, Research Methodology, Research Needs


The present paper consists of four primary sections. First, we describe the historical context of educational research in Latin America. In the second section, we focus on various theoretical frameworks that are applied to educational research in the region. We identify the main institutions involved in this research in the third section. Finally, in conclusion we offer suggestions that we consider to be of greatest priority for the future of educational research in Latin America.


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Biografía del autor/a

Abdeljalil Akkari, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Dr. Abdeljlil teaches courses in multicultural education and sociology of education at Fribourg University (Switzerland). He developed research in Tunisia and Brasil on the relationships between education and development. He is currently as a visiting professor in the Psychology Department of the University of Maryland Baltimore county.

Soledad Perez, Geneva University

Dr. Soledad Perez teaches comparative education at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). She is a specialist of Latin American educational systems. She has done research on rural communities in Equator. She collaborated with international organizations on several projects related to education in Latin America, Europe and Africa.




Cómo citar

Akkari, A., & Perez, S. (1998). Educational Research in Latin America. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 6, 7.




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