Curriculum as praxis: Ensuring quality technical education in Singapore for the 21st century.


  • Tiew Ming Yek ITE College West, Singapore
  • Dawn Penney Edith Cowan University Australia


Palabras clave:

curriculum, vocational & technical education, training, globalization, knowledge society, Quality, Performance.


Singapore, a small island city-state, has achieved notable economic advancement within 40 years since independence. It is fast becoming a global city and a knowledge society. In education and training, the Singapore system has evolved from its British roots. Macro performance indicators of participation rate, literacy rate and mean years of schooling, show that the current education system can be regarded as highly successful. The contributions of general education as well as technical education and training to the overall success of the nation are often cited. Technical education and training, which is globally perceived as having a lower status than "academic" curricula, has largely overcome its "image" problem in Singapore. Singaporeans have seemingly embraced technical education and training as an accessible, attractive mode of education, which therefore enjoys a high participation rate. The success and quality of technical education and training were affirmed when its main provider, the Institute of Technical Education, became the first educational institution in Singapore to win the Singapore Quality Award in October 2005. This paper provides a review of the contemporary education system and curriculum in Singapore with a focus on technical education and training vis-à-vis a vision of education and training in and for postmodern knowledge societies. Suggestions are made on how the technical education and training sector in Singapore can further develop and thrive in the 21st century, while continuing to be accessible and of high quality.


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Biografía del autor/a

Tiew Ming Yek, ITE College West, Singapore

Tiew Ming Yek is the Principal of ITE College West in Singapore. He is enrolled on the Doctor of Education Program with Edith Cowan University. His research interests include curriculum, education policy, and quality and performance management in technical education.

Dawn Penney, Edith Cowan University Australia

Dawn Penney is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Education, Edith Cowan University, Australia. She has been a key figure in research on policy and curriculum development specialising in health and physical education. Dr. Penney gained her doctorate from University of Southampton in 1994 and subsequently held positions at the University of Queensland, De Montfort University and Loughborough University. She has published extensively in mainstream education and physical education journals and co-authored Politics, Policy and Practice in Physical Education (E&FN Spon, London, 1999). Her most recent work has focused on policy and curriculum development relating to the 14–19 phase of education in the UK and Australia.




Cómo citar

Yek, T. M. ., & Penney, D. (2006). Curriculum as praxis: Ensuring quality technical education in Singapore for the 21st century. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 14, 26.


