O grande arco de Teach For America: A análise textual da obra de Wendy Kopp usando a teoria racial crítica


  • Michael Barnes University of Texas - Austin
  • Emily Germain University of Texas - Austin
  • Angela Valenzuela University of Texas - Austin




teoria racial crítica, análise textual, neoliberalismo, pedagogia culturalmente relevante


Lemos e analisamos 165.000 palavras escritas por Wendy Kopp (Kopp, 1989, 2001; Kopp e Farr, 2011) a fundadora do Teach For America (TFA) e descobrimos uma série de contra-narrativas enterradas dentro de um corpus, que oferece informações sobre as formas de racismo endêmico em Teach For America. Três contra-narrativas se alinham com o marco conceitual da teoria racial crítica (CRT). Especificamente, respondemos às seguintes perguntas: Que evidência do racismo institucional e epistemológico é exposta por uma análise textual usando CRT do documento de fundação do TFA e obras posteriores de Wendy Kopp? Até que ponto TFA se apropriou da linguagem da pedagogia culturalmente relevante, promovendo ao mesmo tempo uma ideologia neoliberal? E, em que medida a contribuição de TFA a uma "cultura do logro" (Kopp e Farr, 2011) constitue um "empobrecimento cultural" (Ladson-Billings, 2006a), que resulta em danos reais nas comunidades de cor?


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Michael Barnes, University of Texas - Austin

Michael Barnes is a doctoral student in the Educational Policy and Planning program.  His research interests include a dual emphasis on addressing excellence and equity within K-12 education systems.  For equity, his focus is on how our systemic racial and cultural biases reproduce and perpetuate inequality, even while individual actors within the system are well intentioned.

Emily Germain, University of Texas - Austin

Emily Germain is a doctoral student in the Education Policy and Planning Program.  Previously, she taught for six years at a public school in the Bronx and a charter school in Austin. Her research focuses on the workings of recent market-based reforms in education and their implications for equity; the relationship between community agency and improving life outcomes for low-income students and families; geography, equity, and opportunity; and sustainable development.

Angela Valenzuela, University of Texas - Austin

Angela Valenzuela is a professor in both the Educational Policy and Planning Program within the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Texas at Austin and holds a courtesy appointment in the Cultural Studies in Education Program within the Department of Curriculum & Instruction.  She also serves as the director of the University of Texas Center for Education Policy. Valenzuela's research and teaching interests are in the sociology of education, minority youth in schools, educational policy, and urban education reform.




Como Citar

Barnes, M., Germain, E., & Valenzuela, A. (2016). O grande arco de Teach For America: A análise textual da obra de Wendy Kopp usando a teoria racial crítica. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 24, 14. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.24.2046



Teach For America: Research on Politics, Leadership, Race, and Education Reform