Women in Managerial Positions in Greek Education


  • Anastasia Athanassoula-Reppa Technical and Vocational Teacher Training Institute of Greece
  • Manolis Koutouzis Hellenic Open University, Greece




Administration, Administrators, Democracy, Equal Opportunities (Jobs), Females, Foreign Countries, Sex Discrimination


This article deals with the under-representation of women in managerial positions in Greece. While substantial progress has been made in terms of the legal framework that ensures equal rights to both men and women in the country, evidence shows that there are barriers that inhibit women from pursuing and taking such positions, resulting to covert discrimination. This occurs despite the dominance of women in Greek education. We regard that kind of discrimination as a democratic deficit; it contradicts the notion of "democratic citizenship." Although we do not advocate a quota system, we stand for implementation of basic democratic principles, which could prevent such discrimination.


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Biografia do Autor

Anastasia Athanassoula-Reppa, Technical and Vocational Teacher Training Institute of Greece

Anastasia Athanssoula Reppaholds a Ph.D. from Panteion University, Athens. She teaches Educational Management and Administration in Technical and Vocational Teacher Training Institute of Greece. She has also been an adjunct lecturer at the University of Athens and a tutor at the Hellenic Open University. She has published a number of books and papers related to educational Management and administration. Her latest area of interest is gender issues in educational administration.

Manolis Koutouzis, Hellenic Open University, Greece

Manolis Koutouzis holds a Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Reading, England. He is a Research Associate at the Center for Educational Research, Athens and a Tutor at the Hellenic Open University. He has worked as a country expert for the OECD project (2001): "What Works in Innovation in Education: New School Management Approaches". His areas of interest include educational management, educational planning and policy-making.




Como Citar

Athanassoula-Reppa, A., & Koutouzis, M. (2002). Women in Managerial Positions in Greek Education. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 10, 11. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v10n11.2002


