School Rituals and Educational Practice


  • Magister Pablo Daniel Vain Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina



School Rituals, Social Identity, Ritual Domain, Ethnography, Foreign Countries


This study on school rituals, based on an socio-anthropology view, has arisen from the hypothesis of the anthropologist Roberto Da Matta. This hypothesis supports the theory that rituals are useful, particularly in a complex society, to promote its social identity and develop its character. Da Matta observes that it is as if the ritual domain were a privileged area from whence to enter the cultural kernel of a society, its main ideology, its system of values. This is the reason why we have put forward the proposal that to enquire about rituals at schools can result in a useful contribution to the analysis of this institution in its reproductive dimension or in the construction of a determined social structure. This research was carried out in three schools in the city of Posadas, Misiones, Argentina. In two of them, the research was pursued as a sustained, long-term and ethnographic observation: students, parents, teachers and the managing staff were interviewed. In the third school, just the teachers and the managing staff were interviewed by means of a probing survey; in both cases, strategies, sources and techniques were combined.


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Biografia do Autor

Magister Pablo Daniel Vain, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina

Social y Magister en Educación, realiza actualmente estudios de Doctorado en la Universidad de Málaga (España). Es Profesor Titular de Grado y Postgrado e Investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones (Argentina), Director de la Maestría en Docencia Universitaria y Secretario General Académico de la misma Universidad. Ha desempeñado, además, diversos cargos en la gestión universitaria.



Como Citar

Vain, M. P. D. (2002). School Rituals and Educational Practice. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 10, 13.


