Reconfigurando o poder no ensino superior em Portugal


  • António Magalhães University of Porto Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES)
  • Amelia Veiga University of Porto Centre for Research and Intervention on Education (CIIE) Centre for Research on Higher Education Policies (CIPES)
  • Pedro Videira Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES)



governação, poder de tomada de decisão, boardismo


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as mudanças nos equilíbrios de poder interno entre o poder da gestão e o poder da governação académica, refletidas nas perceções dos docentes e não-docentes das instituições de ensino superior portuguesas sobre as tendências, processos de tomada de decisão e o papel dos atores nesses processos. Os dados empíricos utilizados neste trabalho foram recolhidos com base num inquérito on-line, distribuído ao longo de 2014 e 2015, em todas as instituições de ensino superior portuguesas. As respostas foram interpretadas levando-se em conta a influência das narrativas da governação no desenvolvimento do boardismo, ou seja, a diminuição da governação académica, refletindo a diminuição do poder dos docentes na governação das instituições de ensino superior; o aumento do poder da gestão, refletido no reforço de hierarquias e na tomada de decisões organizacionais de cima para baixo; e a influência de stakeholders externos. A análise contribui para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as configurações da governação no ensino superior, desafiando a influência predominante da narrativa da Nova Gestão Política, enquanto enfatiza a dinâmica interna das instituições de ensino superior, onde o corpo docente continua a desempenhar um papel fundamental na sua gestão e governação.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

António Magalhães, University of Porto Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES)

António Magalhães is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences at the University of Porto, Portugal, where he acts as Head of Department of Education Sciences. He is also senior researcher at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES). His academic interests focus on education policy analysis, namely on the relationship between the state and higher education systems and institutions and on European higher education governance. He has been developing national and international projects in the field of research on higher education. He has written and coedited numerous books and published articles in major journals in the field including Higher Education Policy, Higher Education and Studies in Higher Education.

cy, Higher Education and Studies in Higher Education.

Amelia Veiga, University of Porto Centre for Research and Intervention on Education (CIIE) Centre for Research on Higher Education Policies (CIPES)

Amélia Veiga is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences at the University of Porto, Portugal, and researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) and at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES). Her academic interests focus on education policy analysis, namely on the Bologna process and higher education governance in areas such as internationalisation, globalisation and quality assurance. She has been involved in national and international projects. She has written book chapters, coedited books, and published articles on European integration and higher education governance in key journals such as Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education and Higher Education Quarterly.

Pedro Videira, Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES)

Pedro Videira is a researcher at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES). His main research interests lie in higher education and science policies, namely changes to the academic profession, individual and institutional knowledge transfer processes and scientific mobility.




Como Citar

Magalhães, A., Veiga, A., & Videira, P. (2018). Reconfigurando o poder no ensino superior em Portugal. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 26, 135.



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