Restructuring the Schoolbook Provision System in Indonesia


  • Dedi Supriadi Institute of Teaching and Educational Sciences, Bandung-Indonesia



Cultural Awareness, Delivery Systems, Elementary Secondary Education, Foreign Countries, Multicultural Education, Socioeconomic Status, Textbook Content, Textbook Selection, Textbooks


Schoolbooks account for between 65% and 75% of all publishing activity in Indonesia. The amount of money allocated is continually increasing. Priority is given to the primary and junior secondary school levels (6+3 years), which are compulsory. Between 1969 and 1988, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) has produced some 550 million primary textbooks and library books. Up to the year 2000, the GOI has decided to allocate the total of US$ 355.2 million to produce 250 million copies of primary and junior secondary school textbooks to reach the ratio of one book for each student. In addition, around Rp 20-50 billion (US$ 10-20 million) annually is spent to purchase 8-17 million copies of reading books which are aimed at stimulating the reading interest of primary school children. These books are distributed free to some 168,000 primary and 26,969 junior secondary schools throughout Indonesia. Following the massive efforts to increase book availability at schools, some innovative policies are being taken. Book evaluation standards have been improved to ensure that only high quality books are used at schools. The distribution system has been restructured to guarantee that books reach targeted schools. Consequently, the book monitoring system has had to be strengthened to examine whether or not the books really reach the schools and are used properly by students and teachers in the classrooms. In the last three years, there has also been a growing concern with multicultural issues in schoolbook provision programs. In such a culturally diverse nation as Indonesia, schoolbooks should also be culturally sensitive and be recognize the varied sociocultural backgrounds which affect students' learning.


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Biografia do Autor

Dedi Supriadi, Institute of Teaching and Educational Sciences, Bandung-Indonesia

Dedi Supriadi received his Ph.D. (Cum Laude) in Educational Psychology and Counseling from IKIP Bandung, Indonesia. He is seconded to the office of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia as a speech writer and program developer, assisstant to the Director Generale of Primary and Secondary of Education (DGSPE), Chairman of Textbook Evaluation Committee at the DGSPE, Chairman for Research and Development Division of the Association of Reading Interest Promotion (Perhimpunan Masyarakat Gemar Membaca, PMGM), and currently is Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at the Graduate School of Education, IKIP Bandung, Indonesia and editor of Mimbar Pendidikan, an Educational Journal published by the IKIP. Dr. Dedi Supriadi has written several books on counseling, creativity, book writing and evaluation, higher education in Indonesia, and teacher education.




Como Citar

Supriadi, D. (1999). Restructuring the Schoolbook Provision System in Indonesia. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 7, 7.


