Paradoxes in the redefinition of the work of the professorate


  • José Contreras Domingo Universitat de Barcelona



Spain, Trend Analysis, Foreign Countries, Social Integration, Inclusive Schools, Legislation, Mainstremaing


In the present atmosphere of education reform in Spain, autonomy of the faculty and the educational institutions is continually referred to. "Autonomy" as it is currently used in this context poses a paradox: autonomy as obligation. Not just this paradox but others as well are discussed. The present article is organized in four sections. In the first section, the article analyzes a set of factors (from the new organizational arrangments of social services and their relationship with the State to the current patterns of production and consumption) present in the autonomy rethoric. In the second section the author describes the main changes in the school as institution, changes that are affecting academic and professional autonomy. In the third section, the paradoxes surrounding present policies of scholastic autonomy are analyzed. In the fourth, suggestions are made for recovering the political and pedagogical meaning of autonomy.


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Biografia do Autor

José Contreras Domingo, Universitat de Barcelona

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Málaga (Título de la Tesis Doctoral: La investigación en la acción y el problema de la autonomía del profesorado). Profesor de la Universidad de Málaga desde 1983 a 1992. Profesor de la Universidad de Barcelona, en el Departamento de Didactica y Organización Educativa, desde 1992. Ha colaborado en diversas investigaciones, entre las que destaca la «Evaluación de la Reforma del Ciclo Superior de EGB en Andalucía», dirigida por Angel Pérez Gómez y José Gimeno Sacristán, financiada por el Plan Andaluz de Investigación (duración: 1986-91), que fue Primer Premio de Investigación Educativa en la convocatoria de Premios Nacionales a la Investigación e Innovación Educativas 1992, realizada por el C.I.D.E. (M.E.C.).




Como Citar

Contreras Domingo, J. (1999). Paradoxes in the redefinition of the work of the professorate. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 7, 17.


