Student Evaluation of Faculty: View from the Court


  • Robert E. Haskell University of New England



Academic Freedom, College Faculty, Court Litigation, Educational Administration, Educational Research, Higher Education, Psychometrics, Student Attitudes, Student Evaluation of Teacher Performance, Teacher Responsibility, Tenure


Though a controversial history of research on the reliability and validity of student evaluation of faculty (SEF) exists, it has not been typically viewed as an infringement on academic freedom, promotion, reappointment, and tenure rights. As a consequence, legal aspects of SEF are neither readily apparent, nor available. Unlike academic freedom, tenure, and other issues, which exist as legal categories, SEF as a category is virtually absent in legal compendia on higher education law. The question of its judicial standing is important to any suggestion of abridging faculty rights. In this second of four articles, legal rulings are categorized and abstracted verbatim from cases where SEF is integral to the denial of academic freedom, tenure, promotion and reappointment are reviewed and provide and provide an initial resource of legal ruling on SEF. Seventy-eight findings are summarized from the abstracted textual material.


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Biografia do Autor

Robert E. Haskell, University of New England

Robert E. Haskell has been teaching college and university level courses for over twenty years. He earned his Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University in Psychology and Social Relations, his M.A., and B.A. from San Francisco State University. His areas of research and teaching include: transfer of learning, analogical reasoning, small group dynamics. Major publications include: four books, the latest of which is, The Future of Education and Transfer of Learning: A Cognitive Theory of Learning and Instruction For The 21st Century (forthcoming), and numerous presentations, chapters, and research articles in national and international journals. He also serves on several editorial review boards, and is Associate Editor of The Journal of Mind and Behavior. He is former Chair, and currently Professor of Psychology, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of New England.




Como Citar

Haskell, R. E. (1997). Student Evaluation of Faculty: View from the Court. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 5, 17.


