From consumer information to citizen education: Twenty-three years of discussions (1992-2015)


  • Karina Fins Universidad de San Andrés
  • Angela Aisenstein Universidad de San Andrés



nutrition education, food citizenship, public policy


This article presents a review of the most important recommendations formulated by international organizations worldwide about feeding and nutritional strategies to be implemented at the national level, particularly in the school environment, during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The statements presented in this article point to the trajectory of diagnoses and actions proposed by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and World Health Organization—in the context of epidemiological and nutritional transitions, associated with social, demographic and economic transformations, impacting the world population. We present a deep analysis of the tension identified between the different objectives attributed to food education. We also reflect on recommendations in food education in a broad sense, that is, its connection with survival strategies and the construction of food citizenship. 


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Author Biographies

Karina Fins, Universidad de San Andrés

Karina Fins es doctoranda en educación en la Universidad de San Andrés. Es investigadora en educación física y educación alimentaria. Sus investigaciones se centran en aspectos socioculturales de la alimentación y prácticas de la formación docente en el nivel superior.

Angela Aisenstein, Universidad de San Andrés

Ángela Aisenstein es doctora en educación, profesora de historia de la educación y directora de la especialización y maestría en educación de la Universidad de San Andrés. Sus investigaciones se centran en la educación física y la educación alimentaria escolar desde una perspectiva sociohistórica y cultural. También en la historia de la formación de maestras/os y profesores en Argentina.



How to Cite

Fins, K., & Aisenstein, A. (2022). From consumer information to citizen education: Twenty-three years of discussions (1992-2015). Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, (51).


