Searching for equity-centered change agents: An investigation of family and community engagement in teacher evaluation frameworks




teacher evaluation, education policy, family and community engagement


Federal legislation in the United States granted states freedom to alter formerly test-based teacher evaluation systems and situate family engagement as a key component in school improvement efforts. Concurrently, theorizing on family engagement has moved away from deficit characterizations and school-based involvement to an asset-based approach focused on equitable stakeholder collaborations committed to driving systemic change. Seeking to understand how states are characterizing exemplary teaching in terms of family and community engagement, the current study uses directed qualitative content analysis to examine 15 teacher evaluation rubrics or standards. The findings indicate that many evaluation systems were narrowly focused on the procedural aspects of teaching and teacher engagement with families was too often viewed merely as a mechanism to yield academic gains and meet legal requirements. The rubrics that explicitly stated that teachers should be culturally responsive provided a semblance of hope for pushing evaluative practices through the engagement barrier and into a space of collaboration that departs from dominant school-based approaches. These results have implications for the design of teacher evaluation policy and the furthering of equity-centered partnerships with families and communities.


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Author Biographies

Linda K. Mayger, The College of New Jersey

Linda K. Mayger is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Secondary Education at The College of New Jersey. Dr. Mayger’s research primarily investigates organizational practices and leadership in full-service community schools and the influences of federal and state policies on practicing educators. Her work has appeared in highly regarded journals such as Social Science Research, Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), Leadership and Policy in Schools, and Educational Management, Administration & Leadership.

Kathleen Provinzano, Drexel University

Kathleen Provinzano is an assistant professor of educational leadership in the School of Education at Drexel University. Dr. Provinzano studies leadership dynamics in full-service community schools, the influence of integrated student supports on student learning and behavior in community schools, and the reciprocal influence of community school programming on local neighborhoods. Her work has appeared in highly regarded journals such as Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), Leadership and Policy in Schools, School Science and Math Journal, High School Journal, and the Mid-Western Educational Researcher.


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How to Cite

Mayger, L. K., & Provinzano, K. (2022). Searching for equity-centered change agents: An investigation of family and community engagement in teacher evaluation frameworks. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, 1.


