Educators Of Young Workers Who Study: Learning to Teach


  • Analise de Jesus Da Silva Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG



Youth and Adults Education, Youths Attending the YAE, Pedagogical Practice, Building knowledge, Curriculum and Faculty.


The projects analyzed in this article were done in 2010 and 2011, along with the participation of young learners from YAE (Youth and Adults Education) whose age is between 15 and 29 years old, as an activity of the subject coursed by their teachers during the accomplishment of the Post-Graduate Specialization in Teaching Sensu Lato of YAE in Basic Education: Youth Attending the YAE, for two semesters. It was observed the success of the Action Projects with regard to various aspects evaluated during its planning and execution, as follows: promoting learning beyond the classroom; the perception of the importance to perform group activities, building study groups and applying what was learnt in workshops, both in the construction, production and use of technological resources as in the solidary economy; promoting the appropriation of cultural property, offered by counties and state, by young learners with consequent awareness that this access is a right for all; and,  in special, fostering to the interest of the learners for the school activities in order to make them feel co-responsible for their learning. As the result it is seen no temporary school dropouts and a 37% reduction in the number of sporadic absences by students of the Specialization Course. A reflection on the educational activities addressed in this article is the result of a compilation of nine projects developed in a course focusing on youths present in the YAE. This effort is subjected to a liberating theoretical and methodological approach, according to the searched principles, especially at Paulo Freire, which gives it academic rigor and quality. It was observed, in the daily practice the dialogue between the projects reported in interface with a theoretical foundation able to explain the theoretical- epistemic advances to the field of Education for Youths and Adults.


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Author Biography

Analise de Jesus Da Silva, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

Pedagoga e Historiadora. Mestre e Doutora em Educação pela UFMG. Trabalhou com Educação Básica em redes publica e particular por duas décadas. Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino DMTE- da FAE-UFMG. Coordenadora do Núcleo de Educação de Jovens e Adultos - NEJA/FAE/UFMG. Coordenadora Geral do Curso de Pós-Graduação Especialização lato sensu em Docência da EJA na Educação Básica Especificidade Juventudes presentes na EJA. Coordenadora Pedagógica do Curso de Aperfeiçoamento ECOSOLEJA - NESTH/FAFICH/UFMG. Professora do Curso de Especialização Lato Sensu em Docência na Educação Básica, Juventude e Escola. Professora Formadora da UAB/UFMG. Professora Orientadora da Escola de Gestores. Coordenadora do Sistema de Monitoramento e Avaliação do PROJOVEM URBANO no Centro-Oeste, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo e Tocantis pelo GAME/FAE/UFMG. Coordenadora dos Fóruns Mineiro e Metropolitano de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Assessora e Consultora Pedagógica. Assessora do Projeto EJA no ENSINO MÉDIO - EMEJA da SEED/MEC. Membro da Equipe de Criação, Comitê Editorial e Consultora Ad Hoc da REVEJ@ - Revista Eletrônica de EJA da UFMG. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em Educação de Jovens e Adultos, atuando neste campo, nas temáticas de Didática, Juventude, Política Pública, Educação Anti-Racismo, Diversidade Cultural, TIC, Formação Docente, Projeto Político-Pedagógico e Currículo, Diversidade Cultural na EJA,Diferentes Diferenças na EJA e EJA como ação afirmativa. Pesquisadora cadastrada no CNPq. Representante dos Fóruns de EJA do Brasil na Comissão Nacional de Alfabetização e Educação de Jovens e Adultos - CNAEJA do MEC/SECADI.



How to Cite

Da Silva, A. de J. (2013). Educators Of Young Workers Who Study: Learning to Teach. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21, 30.


