Other memories, other heritage and decolonialities: Theoretical-methodological contributions to the history of Africa and Afro-descendants and history of Indigenous peoples in Brazil
Education, decoloniality, memories, heritageAbstract
This article intersects education, memory, patrimony, and ethno-racial relations. In Brazilian territory, we often realize that the official documents and much of the textbooks have historically neglected the issues of indigenous, African, and Afro-Brazilian heritage, memories, histories, and cultures, that is, other memories and stories - even legally education being required. We present possibilities to think about the different knowledges, doings and memories of educational experiences developed in multiple spaces and times as well as to identify as memories, heritage and thematic ethno-roots from a perspective of decoloniality. We broadened the relations of dialogue between the field of research of cultural heritage and ethnic-racial relations, trying to identify the extent to which public education policies approach or distance themselves from heritage and ethnic-racial themes. Theoretically, we are based on the authors of decolonial epistemology, interculturality, ethno-racial relations, among others. The article is organized in order to explain theoretical-methodological aspects for the construction of conceptual thinking about decoloniality, official and counter-hegemonic memories, heritage and identities, culture and history of Afro-Brazilian peoples, culture and history of indigenous peoples and how these different categories are intersected as a possibility for the construction of other thoughts and practices.Downloads
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How to Cite
Paim, E. A., & Araújo, H. M. M. (2018). Other memories, other heritage and decolonialities: Theoretical-methodological contributions to the history of Africa and Afro-descendants and history of Indigenous peoples in Brazil. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26, 92. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.26.3543
Colonialidade e Pedagogia Decolonial