Teaching with an attitude: How effective has citizen education been in Chile?





Civic Education, Citizen education, Political Socialization, Political Attitudes, Political Behavior, Chile


Although citizen training has been used as a component of the official school curriculum to overcome low levels of political participation in Chile, everything indicates that its curricular implementation into the school experience has not been successful. Although its application in Chile has a long history, its effect on the willingness of students to participate politically has not been properly studied. We maintain that, although it can promote participatory attitudes, the way it is implemented shapes its effects. Regression analyses of the 2016 ICCS survey with variables at the school and individual level demonstrate that the integration of the subject transversally has a positive effect, but only in dispositions related to electoral participation, while other forms of implementation have null or even negative effects on dispositions towards other forms of participation.


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Author Biographies

Rodolfo Disi Pavlic, Temuco Catholic University

Department of Sociology and Political Science

Roberto Mardones, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Investigador asociado al Grupo de Investigación en Ciudadanía y Equidad (CIEQ), Facultad de Educación Humanidades, Universidad del Bío-Bío. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. Magíster en Ciencia Política, Universidad de Chile. Profesor de Historia, Geografía y Educación Cívica, Universidad Austral, Chile. Líneas de investigación: ciudadanía, educación para la ciudadanía, participación política.



How to Cite

Disi Pavlic, R., & Mardones, R. (2021). Teaching with an attitude: How effective has citizen education been in Chile?. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29, 15. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.29.4969


