Juggling academics in the absence of university policies to promote work-life balance: A comparative study of academic work and family in Chile and Spain





Chile, Spain, work-life balance, academic work, family, university, gender policies


This article analyses the relationship between academic work and family life based on two studies on academic careers and gender carried out in Chile and Spain. Thirty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted with female university professors. The interviews address academic practice and working conditions and factors that hinder or facilitate the reconciliation of academic work and family life, such as the presence or absence of gender policies in universities. The research results show that it is the female academic as an individual who is in charge of reconciling work and life; that there is a strong gender bias in which men hardly appear as co-responsible; and that the university does not take up its institutional role of creating gender policies that create an environment that facilitates work-life balance.


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Author Biographies

Estrella Montes-López, Universidad de Salamanca

Doctora en Sociología. Profesora Contratada Doctora en el área de Sociología de la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Su línea principal de investigación se centra en los estudios de género, educación superior y política social.  Sobre este tema tiene diversas publicaciones y ha realizado múltiples comunicaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales, además de en otros espacios, como el Parlamento Europeo, donde fue invitada a participar en la audiencia “Women's careers in science and university and glass ceilings encountered”.

Elisabeth Simbürger, Universidad de Valparaíso

Doctora en Sociología por la Universidad de Warwick. Profesora Titular de la Escuela de Sociología de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. Su trabajo se encuentra en el cruce de los estudios en educación superior, epistemología social y género.



How to Cite

Montes-López, E., & Simbürger, E. (2021). Juggling academics in the absence of university policies to promote work-life balance: A comparative study of academic work and family in Chile and Spain. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(August - December), 175. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.29.5751