New Keynesianism or smart austerity? Digital technologies and educational privatization post COVID-19


  • Geo Saura Universidad de Barcelona
  • Ekaitz Cancela Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Jordi Adell Universitat Jaume I



education policy, digital governance, neoliberalism, digital capitalism, policy networks


The neoliberal hegemony has found its last expression in a technoeducational agenda that, organized in policy networks with concrete ramifications in each country (technological corporations, philanthropic foundations, lobbies and think tanks), governs the subjects as in no other historical epoch. Among its most significant trends is the expansion of markets towards even more spheres of education through digital platforms, teacher’s and student’s data valorization processes, as well as dynamics of privatization or deregulation that had not been present during the last more than a decade of austerity. Therefore, the objective of the article is to analyze the displacement of public power towards the private sector and the blocking of alternative pedagogical solutions different to the market as a result of the introduction of digital technologies in Spanish educational policy. In addition to a detailed analysis of public tenders (web scraping), the methodology is based on the analytical approaches of “Network Ethnography” and “Critical Discourse Analysis”. The results verify that the European mechanisms to eradicate inequalities or digital gaps in education, or NextGenerationEU, materialize in important programmatic agendas to digitize education that end up reinforcing Spanish national capitalists.


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Author Biographies

Geo Saura, Universidad de Barcelona

Geo Saura es Serra Hunter Fellow (Universidad de Barcelona) intentando capturar los avances del capitalismo en su era digital, la gobernanza filantrocapitalista y la neoliberalización de la política educativa global.

Ekaitz Cancela, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Ekaitz Cancela es editor en The Syllabus e investigador en la unidad de Tecnopolítica del IN3-CNSC de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Ha escrito libros, artículos e informes sobre el impacto sociológico de las tecnologías, destacando El Despertar del Sueño Tecnológico (Akal) y La Economía Política del Capitalismo Digital en España (Instituto 25M para la Democracia).

Jordi Adell, Universitat Jaume I

Profesor Titular de Tecnología Educativa en el Depto. de Pedagogía y Didáctica de las Ciéncias Sociales, la Lengua y la Literatura de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (España). Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la formación inicial y permanente del profesorado en tecnología educativa y en el desarrollo de la competencia digital docente desde una perspectiva crítica, pedagogías emergentes posdigitales y políticas públicas sobre tecnologías digitales en el sistema educativo.



How to Cite

Saura, G., Cancela, E., & Adell, J. (2022). New Keynesianism or smart austerity? Digital technologies and educational privatization post COVID-19. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, (116).



Educational Policies and Equity