Trajectory and Leadership Formation of Mexican Women Scholars: The Morelos Case


  • Alejandra Montes-de-Oca-O'Reilly
  • Teresa Yurén Camarena



Trajectory, formation, leaders, leadership, gender


This article is a qualitative analysis of trajectories and leadership formación of twelve scholarly leaders who work at five institutions in the state of Morelos, in Mexico. We analyze three categories of formative experiences: a) formative experiences within the family, b) scholar and professional formative experiences and c) formative experiences aside from the domestic, scholar and professional spheres. Based on our study, we suggest the following factors in the formación of leaders: sociomoral formación, mentoring by support figures and guide figures, search for autonomy, exposure to problematic situations that represent a challenge, setting of long-range goals, generation of dispositions to resist an instrumental logic, exposure to leadership figures, as well as an increase in social and cultural capital. We emphasize the importance of the existential as well as the ethical and political dimensions in leadership formation.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Montes-de-Oca-O'Reilly

Doctora en Humanidades por la Universidad de Texas

Teresa Yurén Camarena

Doctora en Filosofía, profesora-investigadora en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (México) y miembro

del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel III.



How to Cite

Montes-de-Oca-O’Reilly, A., & Yurén Camarena, T. (2010). Trajectory and Leadership Formation of Mexican Women Scholars: The Morelos Case. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 18, 12.




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