Teacher identity and self-formation in the Bilingual-Intercultural Normal Schools of Oaxaca





teacher trainers, bilingual intercultural education, self-training, community education proposals


This paper presents the results of a research study on academics working at the Escuela Normal Bilingal-Intercultural de Oaxaca (ENBIO). This institution proposes a teacher training model linked to the languages and sociocultural practices of the Oaxaca context. The objective was to understand the process of self-training and professional identity of the academics, referred to as teacher trainers, in relation to their educational project. Using a qualitative methodology with a narrative perspective, seven in-depth interviews were conducted and analyzed following the method of analytical induction. The study found a complex network of distinctions and political and educational positions among the trainers, which align with their interest in self-training and their commitment to professionalization, both as teachers and researchers. Additionally, a growing interest was identified in strengthening their identity processes as they interact with their students and academic peers, as well as in the constant reflection on their identity self-ascription and teaching practice. In conclusion, tensions and conflicts were observed in recognizing themselves as higher education academics and as promoters of an educational project with a “community” educational perspective.


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Author Biographies

Ibet Sosa-Bautista, Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros (BENM)

Doctora en Pedagogía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Maestra en Desarrollo Educativo por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Docente en la Licenciatura en Educación Primaria de la Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros, y en la Maestría en Ambientes, Sistemas y Gestión en Educación Multimodal de la Universidad Nacional Rosario Castellanos. Investiga Procesos de formación docente desde un enfoque intercultural, Ética en el ejercicio de la formación docente. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores SNII. Nivel Candidato. Última publicación: Sosa-Bautista, I. (2024). Volver a mi tierra: Una experiencia sobre formación docente. Tramas/Maepova, 12(1), 46–64.

Cecilia Navia, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciada en Etnología por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH) y Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad París III. Docente en el Doctorado en Educación y Diversidad, Maestría en Gestión de la Convivencia en la Escuela y Licenciatura en Educación Indígena en la UPN-Ajusco. Investiga la Formación de profesionales de educación indígena y la Ética e identidad profesional y docente. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores Nivel II. Última publicación: Navia, C., & Czarny, G. (2024). Racismo en educación superior: Tensiones y posicionamientos éticos. Sinéctica, Revista Electrónica de Educación, (62), 1-19, e1602.



How to Cite

Sosa-Bautista, I., & Navia, C. (2025). Teacher identity and self-formation in the Bilingual-Intercultural Normal Schools of Oaxaca. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 33. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.33.8394


