Conceptualizando y Documentando la Diseminación de Teach For All y Su Impacto en la Reforma Global de la Educación


  • Rolf Straubhaar University of Georgia
  • Daniel Friedrich Teachers College, Columbia University


Palabras clave:

Teach For All, Teach For America, reforma educativa


En la esfera de la política educativa global, el rol de los organismos multilaterales está siendo complementado cada vez más por el trabajo de las redes privadas internacionales dentro de la sociedad civil, como lo es Teach For All. Este artículo introductorio resume la escasa literatura existente acerca de Teach For All, resaltando las contribuciones realizadas al campo por este número especial. También se subrayan y exploran las líneas de investigación más provocativas y productivas en torno a Teach For All y redes similares.


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Biografía del autor/a

Rolf Straubhaar, University of Georgia

Rolf Straubhaar is a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Georgia’s Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE). Trained as an anthropologist of educational policy, his research examines the spread, adaptation and implementation of educational policies in Brazil, the United States and Mozambique. His work has been published in the Comparative Education Review, Comparative Education, Compare, Education and Urban Society, the High School Journal, and the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, among other sources. His dissertation on the spread of U.S.-based education reforms to Rio de Janeiro was awarded the 2014 Frederick Erickson Outstanding Dissertation Award by the American Anthropological Association’s Council on Anthropology and Education.

Daniel Friedrich, Teachers College, Columbia University

Daniel Friedrich is an Assistant Professor of Curriculum at Teachers College, Columbia University. His research explores the politics of global teacher education reform, as well as issues of memory, political violence and curriculum. His book Democratic Education as a Curricular Problem: Historical Consciousness and the Moralizing Limits of the Present was published by Routledge in 2014. That same year he was awarded the Early Career Scholar Award by the Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies Special Interest Group at AERA. 




Cómo citar

Straubhaar, R., & Friedrich, D. (2015). Conceptualizando y Documentando la Diseminación de Teach For All y Su Impacto en la Reforma Global de la Educación. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 23, 44.



Teach For All