Integración de evaluaciones de rendimiento en un continuo PK-20: Una colaboración desarrollada localmente


  • Kathryn McCurdy University of New Hampshire
  • Emilie Mitescu Reagan University of New Hampshire
  • Audrey Rogers Southern New Hampshire University
  • Thomas Schram University of New Hampshire


Palabras clave:

evaluaciones de desempeño docente, educación de profesor de pregrado, asociación escuela-universidad


Como una respuesta al artículo de Stosich et al. (2018) sobre las evaluaciones del desempeño del estado, este comentario amplía el enfoque y el uso de las evaluaciones del desempeño a la formación docente pre-servicio. Los autores describen iniciativas estatales en New Hampshire que están trabajando para integrar evaluaciones de desempeño a lo largo de un continuo PK-20 y articulan cómo se desarrollan los puntos clave de Stosich de capacidad educativa, contexto y evaluaciones para y de aprendizaje en un estado. Este comentario destaca los factores contextuales clave para la implementación duradera de las evaluaciones de desempeño, así como plantea nuevos desafíos y oportunidades para entender esta herramienta como una evaluación para el aprendizaje. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Kathryn McCurdy, University of New Hampshire

Dr. Kathryn McCurdy is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of New Hampshire where she also serves as the Director of Field Placement for its Manchester campus. Prior to her doctoral work, Kathryn taught middle school mathematics in Boston where she also worked for years supporting and mentoring preservice and beginning teachers. Her research interests are novice teacher learning, mentoring and induction support structures and activities, teacher performance assessments, and continuing professional learning of veteran teachers. Kathryn holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Kansas, a master’s degree from University of Michigan in Curriculum Development, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of New Hampshire.

Emilie Mitescu Reagan, University of New Hampshire

Emilie Mitescu Reagan is an Assistant Professor of Assessment and Policy in the University of New Hampshire Department of Education. Emilie began her career in education as a fifth grade teacher in Philadelphia, PA. Her current research focuses on assessment of and accountability in teacher education using quantitative and mixed methods research.  She has co-authored publications in the Journal of Education for Teaching, Education Policy and Analysis Archives, Teaching and Teacher Education, International Journal of Educational Research, and Teacher Education and Practice. Emilie is currently the Principal Investigator on a Spencer Foundation Grant and Co-Principal Investigator on the U.S. Department of Education funded Teacher Residency for Rural Education. Emilie holds a bachelor’s degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, a master’s degree in Elementary Education from St. Joseph’s University, and a Ph.D. in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation from Boston College.

Audrey Rogers, Southern New Hampshire University

Audrey Rogers is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, NH. She teaches courses in educational technology, literacy, secondary methods, and history. She is a local and national presenter and has authored several Jackdaw Primary Source Kits, Cooperative Learning Basics, and numerous articles. Certified in social studies and as a technology integrator, she taught social studies at Nashua High School from 1989-2001. She was a founding member of NH READS - Reading Excellence across Disciplines and lead Scholar for the development of a web-based curriculum at the Fort at No. 4/Living History Museum. She directed a grant from the Education Commission of States on increasing civic engagement in New Hampshire. She received her B.A in History from Tufts University. She holds a Master's in History from the University of NH/Durham and a Master's in Education from the University of Massachusetts/Lowell. She holds an Ed.D. in Leadership and Learning from Rivier University. Her current research focuses on technology and cultural competence in educators.

Thomas Schram, University of New Hampshire

Tom Schram is Associate Professor and Director of the Division of Educator Preparation at the University of New Hampshire, where he coordinates master’s-level credentialing programs in teacher education, special education, early childhood education, and counseling. He is a founding member and Vice President of the New Hampshire IHE Network, a nonprofit consortium comprised of all the higher education educator preparation programs in the state. He has authored books on qualitative research design, served as a research consultant for the Teachers for a New Era (TNE) evidence team at Boston College, and was the lead qualitative researcher of a nationwide study on reform in mathematics education and the NCTM Standards. 




Cómo citar

McCurdy, K., Reagan, E. M., Rogers, A., & Schram, T. (2018). Integración de evaluaciones de rendimiento en un continuo PK-20: Una colaboración desarrollada localmente. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 26, 14.



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