Disciplinary diversity in Chilean undergraduate student engagement





student engagement, disciplines, cluster analysis, teaching and learning, survey design


There is growing interest in investigating the student experience in higher education, particularly given the considerable widening of access and, so, diversity. Chile’s Encuesta Nacional de Compromiso Estudiantil (ENCE) has been applied since 2017 by a group of universities of the Council of Rectors of the Chilean Universities (CRUCh), eliciting a battery of evidence covering the student experience. This study documents current efforts to organize information about the student experience into student engagement profiles, reported here with reference to selected undergraduate disciplines. The results of ENCE 2019 are analyzed, as applied to 9869 undergraduates in their first year and in their fourth year since commencing, in nine universities. Cluster analysis of the entire sample of students in all fields, and subsets of those respondents in the fields of Civil Engineering, Law, Medicine and Teaching, yield diverse patterns of student engagement. Further consideration follows of the current and potential use of student engagement data in Chile and other countries, and the differences across different study fields and professional traditions.



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Author Biographies

Gonzalo Zapata, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Gonzalo is a sociologist (P. Universidad Católica de Chile) and PhD in educational administration & policy studies (State University of New York at Albany). He is an assistant professor at the School of Education, P. Universidad Católica de Chile. His main interest are higher education policy and comparative analysis.

Peodair Leihy, Universidad Andres Bello

Peodair studied at the universities of Melbourne and Oxford. He is a research professor in Universidad Andrés Bello’s education and social sciences. His research focuses on the problems of the organization of higher education systems in historical perspective.

José Salazar, Universidad de Valparaíso

José is a lawyer (Universidad Diego Portales) with a PhD in higher education (University of Melbourne). He is currently a researcher at the Universidad de Valparaíso. His interests cover higher education public policy, quality assurance, equity and social mobility.

Daniela Espinoza, Universidad de Talca

Daniela is a bioinformatics engineer. She is a member of the Direction of Undergraduate Evaluation and Quality, Vice-Rectorate of Undergraduate Studies, Universidad de Talca.




How to Cite

Zapata, G., Leihy, P., Salazar, J., & Espinoza, D. (2022). Disciplinary diversity in Chilean undergraduate student engagement. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, (64). https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.30.6076



Student Experience in Latin American Higher Education