CFP: Educational Policies and Equity
Call for Papers: Educational Policies and Equity
Guest Editors: Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez (University of Malaga, Spain), Javier Marrero-Acosta (University of La Laguna, Spain) and Diego Martín-Alonso, University of Malaga (Spain)
Special Topic: Educational Policies and Equity
The focus of this issue is to delve into different contexts—political, administrative, educational and training—to identify, describe, and understand policies and practices related to the promotion of equity. In this sense, equity is understood as the fundamental right to education, combating vulnerability, dependency, and domination (Fernández-Pavlovich, 2019; Silva, 2019), and it is linked with the reduction of inequality and discrimination.
The policy analysis should be carried out taking into account the different levels of the policy formulation process (policy marking), reformulating the role of the state, the relations between the public and the private, the role of social networks, the processes of globalization, and its consequences for agents and democracy. The relationships between the social and cultural structure (educational system, social context of the school and its fundamental norms) with the agents (individual and collective actors in educational communities) account for the procedural nature of change in education and not only of the results (Anderson et al., 2012; Archer, 2009).
This special issue invites researchers to write about: 1) Case studies on the application of educational policies in different educational settings and their consequences for equity; 2) Analysis of educational policies in the international scene, as well as national and regional stage, their implementation and the mechanisms that guide them towards equity or inequality; 3) Process of subjectivation of social actors—politicians, technicians, school communities—and their relationship with educational policies that seek to promote equity.
Anderson S. E., Mascall, B., Stiegelbauer, S., & Park, J. (2012). No one way: Differentiating school district leadership and support for school improvement. Journal of Educational Change, 13, 403-430.
Archer, M. (2009). Teoría social realista: El enfoque morfogenético. Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Fernández Pavlovich, M. G. (2019). Igualdad en la escuela, ¿igualar en qué? Revista de Educación, 17, 15-28.
Silva, M. (2019). La dimensión pedagógica de la equidad en educación superior. Archivos Analiticos de Políticas Educativas, 28(46).
Submission Information: Potential authors should submit 800-word abstracts in English or Spanish by May 15, 2021, to the journal section, Educational Policies and Equity, at All abstracts and manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the EPAA website and follow the Journal’s submission guidelines.
Abstracts deadline (800 words): May 15, 2021
Invitation to submit articles: June 15, 2021
Article deadline (7,000 words maximum, without bibliographic references): September 30, 2021
Editorial decision and review of articles: November 30, 2021
Deadline for submission of the final version of articles: January 15, 2021
Expected date of publication: March 2022
Please direct any questions about this special issue to the guest editors:
Diego Martín-Alonso, (Spanish/English) (coordinador editorial)