Human Capital: its definition and scope in the Local and Regional Development


  • Iván Navarro Abarzúa Universidad de Los Lagos, en Osorno-Chile



This article describes and analyzes the concept of Human Capital nor in a mechanical way nor using the neo-liberal definitions, but by linking the theory with practice in an specific territorial analysis. This is about superseding global theoretical models of social analysis, which generally sub-utilize the empirical data provided by territorial analysis, often falling into unhelpful generalizations and abstractions. Furthermore, this analysis is not centered in establishing causality, and it aims to be a contribution in the development of a theory of Human Capital and its impacts in the regional and local development.


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Biografia do Autor

Iván Navarro Abarzúa, Universidad de Los Lagos, en Osorno-Chile

Iván Navarro Abarzúa, profesor de Filosofía, Diplomado en Pedagogía y Doctor en Filosofía (Universidad Pedagógica de la Baja Sajonia, Alemania), ha sido profesor de las Universidades de Chile, Católica de Chile y Santiago de Chile, autor de diversas publicaciones en medios nacionales e internacionales. Actualmente se desempeña como académico e investigador del Centro de Estudios Regionales de la Universidad de Los Lagos, en Osorno-Chile.



Como Citar

Navarro Abarzúa, I. (2005). Human Capital: its definition and scope in the Local and Regional Development. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 13, 35.


