A Influência de ter Múltiplas Oportunidades para Exames na Aprovação e no Desempenho dos Alunos em Testes Estaduais





testes em larga escala, prestação de contas


As expectativas programas de testes em grande escala têm crescido consideravelmente na última década, com a promulgação da legislação No Child Left Behind (NCLB) e Race to the Top (RTTT). Um componente importante da lei NCLB exigiu relatórios de progresso anual (AYP) dos subgrupos de alunos por sexo, educação especial, proficiência em Inglês, e raça / etnia. Neste estudo discutimos as implicações de uma política de estado que permite que os alunos tenham várias oportunidades para fazer o exame para passar em um ano lectivo, e seu efeito sobre as taxas de aprovação. Descobrimos através de análise de regressão logística que oportunidades adicionais beneficiaram e subgrupos específicos maioritarios dos estudantes: brancos, não recebem ajuda alimentar, de ensino geral e estudantes perto de conseguir resultados de competição. Como os estados estão se movendo para novos padrões e avaliações de desempenho em 2015, as autoridades podem querer avaliar os benefícios e os custos de uma política de múltiplas oportunidades de exame.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Joseph F. T. Nese, University of Oregon

Joseph F. T. Nese, PhD, is a Research Associate at Behavioral Research and Teaching (BRT) at the University of Oregon. He conducts research in educational assessment and applied measurement, focusing on developing and improving systems that support data-based decision-making and using advanced statistical methods to measure and monitor student growth.

Gerald Tindal, University of Oregon

Dr. Tindal is currently the Castle-McIntosh-Knight Professor in the College of Education – University of Oregon. He is the Department Head of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership and directs Behavioral Research and Teaching (BRT). His research focuses on integrating students with disabilities in general education classrooms using curriculum-based measurement for screening students at risk, monitoring student progress, and evaluating instructional programs. Dr. Tindal also has conducts research on large scale testing and development of alternate assessments. This work includes investigations of teacher decision-making on test participation, test accommodations, and extended assessments of basic skills. He publishes and reviews articles in many special education journals and has written several book chapters and books on curriculum-based measurement and large-scale testing. He teaches courses on assessment systems, data driven decision-making, research design, and program evaluation. 

Joseph J. Stevens, University of Oregon

Joseph Stevens, PhD, joined the University of Oregon in 2005 and is currently a Professor in the department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership. He is a Co-Principal Investigator with the National Center on Assessment and Accountability (NCAASE) at the University of Oregon. His doctoral degree is in Psychology and Quantitative Methods from the University of Arizona. He was formerly Professor of Education at the University of New Mexico. He also worked at the Psychological Corporation and as a measurement statistician at Educational Testing Service. His interests are in measurement, validity, research design, and longitudinal modeling and individual differences in academic achievement especially for special education students and language learners. He teaches courses in advanced statistical methods and research design.

Stephen N. Elliott, Arizona State University

Stephen N. Elliott, PhD, is the Mickelson Foundation Professor in the Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics at Arizona State University. His research focuses on scale development and educational assessment practices with students with disabilities or at risk for educational difficulties. Assessment tools he has developed include the Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS), Academic Competence Evaluation Scales (ACES), Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education, and My Instructional Learning Opportunities Guidance System (MyiLOGS). He has published numerous articles, chapters, and books on (a) the assessment of children's social and academic competence, (b) the design and evaluation of methods that increase students’ access to learning and large-scale achievement test, and (c) the assessment of school leadership. Steve is a co-PI of the National Center on Assessment and Accountability for Special Education, a United States Department of Education funded research center.




Como Citar

Nese, J. F. T., Tindal, G., Stevens, J. J., & Elliott, S. N. (2015). A Influência de ter Múltiplas Oportunidades para Exames na Aprovação e no Desempenho dos Alunos em Testes Estaduais. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 23, 70. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v23.1974


