The Political University in Argentina in the 1990's


  • Adriana Chiroleu National University of Rosario (Argentina)
  • Osvaldo Iazzetta National University of Rosario (Argentina)
  • Claudia Voras National University of Rosario (Argentina)
  • Claudio Diaz National University of Rosario (Argentina)



Carlos Menem, Intrusive, Executive Power, Restrictive, Punishment and Reward, Performance, Multilateral Credit Organizations


Although university autonomy was apparently protected during Carlos Menem's government (1989-1999), actually it was gradually undergoing substantial changes. "Intrusive" devices had been prepared by the executive power, thus causing the restriction of its objectives. This kind of state participation was less explicit than in the past, being now associated with the establishment of a system of "punishment and reward," in which financing is subordinated to "performance," evaluated according to the parameters of multilateral credit organizations . In this work, we analyse the way in which this conflict took place under Menem's government, contrasting the meanings given to the idea of autonomy by the government and by the public institution; attentin focuses on the case of the National University of Rosario.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Adriana Chiroleu, National University of Rosario (Argentina)

Adriana Chiroleu es Doctora en Sociología, docente de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la UNR, e Investigadora del CONICET. Coordinadora Académica del Programa Interuniversitario de Posgrado en Política y Gestión de la Educación Superior (coorganizado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional del Litoral y Universidad Nacional de Rosario) e-mail:

Osvaldo Iazzetta, National University of Rosario (Argentina)

Osvaldo Iazzetta es Doctor en Sociología y docente e investigador de la misma Facultad.

Claudia Voras, National University of Rosario (Argentina)

Claudia Voras es licenciada en Ciencia Política y docente de la misma institución.

Claudio Diaz, National University of Rosario (Argentina)

Claudio Díaz es abogado y docente de esta institución y de la Fac. de Derecho.



Como Citar

Chiroleu, A., Iazzetta, O., Voras, C., & Diaz, C. (2001). The Political University in Argentina in the 1990’s. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 9, 22.


