Elementary Principal/Superintendent Relationship as Perceived by Teachers


  • Catherine H. Glascock Ohio University
  • Diane Taylor Louisiana State University




Power, Hierarchy, Independence, relationship, Teachers, Principal, Superintendent, OCDQ and TAI instruments, School Climate


Despite more than a decade of research on bottom-up school change, the principal/ superintendent relationship continues to be studied primarily as a traditional flow of power from the top down. There is little research that considers the proposition that power vested in principals can be exercised upwardly within the school district hierarchy in the form of independence from and influence on the superintendent. Given the lack of research on these phenomena, it is not surprising that we could find no studies that explore the effects of hierarchical independence and influence on school climate. The present study investigates both. Two schools form the basis of this comparative case study. The schools were chosen based on scores obtained through the OCDQ and TAI instruments. The first school is selected for its high scores on both instruments and the second school is selected based on average scores on the OCDQ and the TAI. Both schools are in the same school district and a brief description of that district begins the discussion. Individual case study findings as well as a comparison of the two case studies follow.


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Biografia do Autor

Catherine H. Glascock, Ohio University

Catherine H. Glascock Catherine H. Glascock is Assistant Professor in the Educational Studies Department at Ohio Univeristy. She holds an MBA in Finance and Ph.D. in Educational Administration from LSU. Her research interests are school structures, including facilities and finance. Catherine has spend much of her time evaluating the effectiveness of schhol districts through grant efforts and publishing about schoo structure impacts on students. Her abiding interest is in how schools can best meet the needs of children. To that end she is collaborating with Rosalie Romano on a book about expeditionary learning and commuity linkages especially for poor distirct children in Appalachia.




Como Citar

Glascock, C. H., & Taylor, D. (2001). Elementary Principal/Superintendent Relationship as Perceived by Teachers. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 9, 45. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v9n45.2001




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