School participation and educational inclusion: A case study of high school student experiences


  • Gabriela de la Cruz Flores Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mëxico
  • Diego Ilinich Matus Ortega Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE)



School participation, equity, inclusion, democratic values, high school


This study explores school participation as an educational inclusion-exclusion mechanism, through the analysis of participatory experiences described by high school students from schools located in areas of high social vulnerability in Mexico City. Information collected through focus groups answered the following questions: What situations, from the point of view of students, detonate their participation in schools? What institutional mechanisms do students perceive as guiding their participation and to what kind of situations do they respond? What emergent channels of participation do students construct when institutions lack mechanisms for it and to what kind of situations do they respond? How is participation by students of both high and low performance perceived? Responses were analyzed using a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach. The results identified channels of formal and informal participation; the latter are reactive to different problems within the campuses. Contrasting the perceptions of high and low performance students, different degrees of involvement and participation were identified and compared, suggesting that it is a priority to promote the participation of low performing students to favor their inclusion. 


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Author Biographies

Gabriela de la Cruz Flores, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mëxico

Doctora en Psicología con énfasis en educación graduada por la Facultad de Psicología de la UNAM.  Se desempeña como investigadora en el Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE) y como profesora de asignatura en la Facultad de Psicología de la UNAM. Entre sus líneas de investigación destacan: evaluación del aprendizaje, tutoría en educación superior, justicia curricular, regímenes académicos y trayectorias escolares en educación secundaria alta. 

Diego Ilinich Matus Ortega, Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE)

Maestro en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales sede México. Labora en el INEE como jefe de proyecto en la Dirección General para la Evaluación de Docentes y Directivos. Desde el campo de la sociología de la educación ha realizado investigaciones en educación secundaria alta sobre experiencias escolares, participación y formación para la ciudadanía, aprendizaje por servicio y abandono escolar.



How to Cite

de la Cruz Flores, G., & Matus Ortega, D. I. (2017). School participation and educational inclusion: A case study of high school student experiences. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25, 102.


