Teaching approaches of university professors in Mexico


  • Etty Haydee Estévez Nenninger UNIVERSIDAD DE SONORA
  • Claudia Gabriela Arreola Olivarría Maestría en Innovación Educativa, Universidad de Sonora.
  • Angel Alberto Valdés Cuervo Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora




teaching approach, faculty professor, cognitive and constructivist theory, México.


This research aims to identify the extent to which university teacher’s work intersects with a cognitive-constructivist and comprehensive teaching approach and explore meaningful relationships between teaching approach expressed by the teacher and socio-demographic, academic and teaching career variables. A questionnaire was developed to measure the frequency of teaching activities specific to cognitive-constructivist instructional approach and comprehensive training (Estevez, 2002; Reigeluth, 1983, 1999). 250 teachers of the two major state universities of Sonora, Mexico were selected in a non-probabilistic way. The analysis of the results was performed using one-way ANOVAs testing and repeated measures, and post hoc Student t test for independent samples. It was concluded that the teachers surveyed developed a high frequency on educational planning activities with cognitive-constructivist approach and comprehensive training, however, an average level was showed in the definition of objectives and strategies related with teach to learn. Finally, it was found that the activities with cognitive constructivist orientation was higher in women, in teachers enrolled in a course assignment contract, which have more hours of teacher training and those who devote less time to research. This implies that the practice of activities of a cognitive-constructivist and comprehensive teaching approach is irregular and is affected by personal, academic and labor variables.


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Author Biographies

Etty Haydee Estévez Nenninger, UNIVERSIDAD DE SONORA

Profesora e investigadora de la Maestría en Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de Sonora. Ha realizado investigación y desarrollo educativo sobre currículo, didáctica, docencia y académicos. Su proyecto de investigación actual trata sobre enfoques de enseñanza de profesores universitarios y construcción de significados en contextos de reforma educativa.



Claudia Gabriela Arreola Olivarría, Maestría en Innovación Educativa, Universidad de Sonora.


Profesora de Asignatura de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. Ha realizado investigación sobre estrategias de enseñanza de docentes. Su proyecto de investigación actual aborda las competencias didácticas y de investigación de docentes universitarios

Angel Alberto Valdés Cuervo, Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora

Profesor Investigador de la Licenciatura y Maestría en Educación del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. Ha realizado investigación en temas de educación superior y psicología educativa. Su proyecto de investigación actual trata acerca de la gestión de la convivencia en escuelas de educación básica.



How to Cite

Estévez Nenninger, E. H., Arreola Olivarría, C. G., & Valdés Cuervo, A. A. (2014). Teaching approaches of university professors in Mexico. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22, 17. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v22n17.2014


