Race, class, and the democratic project in contemporary South African education: Working and reworking the law


  • Crain Soudien Nelson Mandela University/ University of Cape Town




race, class, inequality, school policy, democratization in education, education laws, South Africa


Democratization of the South African education system was significantly advanced by the South African Schools Act (SASA) promulgated in 1996. SASA gave parents the power to direct the course and substance of their children’s education in important ways. The circumstances of its origination, however, left in place crucial features of the country’s apartheid education system. Central among these were white parent’s rights to determine their schools’ admission and language policies. In this contribution I explore the tensions over democratic principles experienced by the South African government in correcting SASA to manage parents’ control over these key school policies. I do so through a critical engagement with the positions that have emerged in the process currently underway to consider the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA). I argue these positions represent a struggle in play over whether the future South African school system will be marked by ongoing and new forms of race and class domination.


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Author Biography

Crain Soudien, Nelson Mandela University/ University of Cape Town

Crain Soudien is a sociologist and an emeritus professor in Education and African Studies at the University of Cape Town, an Honorary Professor at Nelson Mandela University and the President of Cornerstone Institute.  He is a fellow of the International Academy of Education, the African Academy of Science, a Senior Fellow of NORRAG, Geneva Graduate Institute, a Chen Yidan Visiting Global Fellow at Harvard University, and a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa.



How to Cite

Soudien, C. (2023). Race, class, and the democratic project in contemporary South African education: Working and reworking the law. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.31.8017



Education and the Challenges of Democracy