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School choice strategies at the intersections of disability, race, class, and geography




school choice, students with disabilities, urban special education


While parents of students with disabilities (SWD) select schools according to various factors, schools also choose students through different sorting mechanisms. Thus, parents of SWD may need to employ different strategies to enroll their child in their preferred school. We employed an intersectional approach for studying school choice, integrating ethnographic interviews and descriptive GIS to answer the following questions: (a) What strategies do parents of SWD utilize to secure placement in the school of their choice? and (b) How is the engagement with such strategies shaped by their social and geographical locations? We found that parents engaged in five strategies: Accepting an IEP Team’s school recommendations, securing placement through a sibling, testing into selective enrollments, changing IEP provisions, and engaging in due process. Moreover, these strategies were afforded and constrained by their intersecting social positions (i.e., race, class, and disability), their geographical locations, and the developmental school stage of their child (i.e., transitioning to kindergarten or high school).


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Author Biographies

Federico R. Waitoller, University of Illinois at Chicago

Dr. Waitoller is a professor of special education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His scholarship focuses on urban inclusive education. His research aims to understand and address educational inequities for urban students with disabilities with two prime lines of inquiry: the educational access, experiences, and outcomes for urban students with disabilities in relation to market-driven education policies (i.e., policies that incorporate market principles for the delivery of public education) and (b) the development of professional learning and pedagogies for inclusive education. Dr. Waitoller has been published in numerous top-tier national and international journals, and his work has been published in Spanish and English. He is the author of the award-winning book, Excluded by Choice: Urban Students with Disabilities in the Education Marketplace.

Christopher Lubienski, Indiana University, Bloomington

Christopher Lubienski is a professor of education policy at Indiana University. He is also a fellow with the National Education Policy Center at the University of Colorado, a visiting professor at East China Normal University in Shanghai, and was previously a Sir Walter Murdoch Visiting Professor at Murdoch University in Western Australia. His research focuses on education policy, reform, and the political economy of education, with a particular concern for issues of equity and access. His current work examines (1) organizational responses to competitive conditions in local education markets, including geospatial analyses of education opportunities and research on innovation in education markets for the OECD, and (2) policymakers’ use of research evidence as influenced by advocacy organizations.




How to Cite

Waitoller, F. R., & Lubienski, C. (2024). School choice strategies at the intersections of disability, race, class, and geography. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 32.




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